莊修田Chuang, Hsiu-Tien何皓庭Ho, Hao-Ting2019-09-052017-02-232019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060268025T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103050展示櫥窗一直都是百貨商場吸引消費者進入店內的一個重要媒介,櫥窗設計從最初簡單的商品陳列,逐漸融入了現代的設計觀念,使得現代櫥窗設計必須集功能與美感於一體,成為一個專門的學問。 本研究利用問卷調查的方式來探討消費者對櫥窗的視覺偏好因素與進店意願之間的關係,並以因素分析的方式,探討吸引消費者之視覺偏好因素為何,並且分析不同族群的消費者屬性對於形態美學因素偏好以及生活型態之差異,以及與進店意願的關係。本研究蒐集2009-2016年之清楚櫥窗圖片,並依據文獻探討中所整理出之櫥窗風格進行圖片之篩選,找出風格鮮明之圖片,最後剩下72張櫥窗圖片。針對篩選出來之72張研究圖片,以Power Point之方式播放給受測者觀看,進行問卷調查,調查受測者之個人屬性視覺偏好、生活型態、視覺偏好及進店意願。其回收之有效問卷為356份,篩選至最後19張測驗圖片,研究結果發現: 一、視覺偏好因素4個構面中,「圓潤可愛」最受受測者之視覺偏好。 二、受測者之個人屬性對視覺偏好和生活型態有顯著差異存在。 三、受測者之生活型態與視覺偏好和進店意願部分呈正相關。 四、受測者個人屬性以及視覺偏好對進店意願有48.2%預測力,其中被選入七個預測變項中,有四個與視覺偏好有關,反應視覺偏好對於進店意願的重要性。 最後依本研究之結果,對展示櫥窗相關領域提出一些建議,亦期望能對相關議題有所助益。 關鍵字:展示櫥窗、視覺偏好、進店意願Show windows have been a very important medium to attract consumers into the store in the department stores. Show windows’ design has been from the initial display of goods, gradually integrated into modern design concepts. Since that, the modern show windows’ design must combine function and beauty, becoming a specialized of knowledge. A Show window is one of the elements for the store design. The goal is to make consumers into the store and beget the preference of the show window. Therefore, in this highly competitive business market, how to design a show window that can attract consumers’ public attention and promote the desire to into the store becomes a very important issue. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among personal variable, life style, visual preference and entering intention to the store. Collecting 72 show window’s pictures and use PowerPoint software player to show participants pictures. Finally, total recovered 356 valid questionnaires. Finally colleting 19 pictures left. The results of this questionnaire, the computer statistical software SPSS to information obtained descriptive statistics, factor analysis, the difference test, correlation analysis, collate and analyze, and the results show that: 1.In the five elements of visual preference, participants prefer the element of curved Surface most. 2.The participants’ personal variable had significant differences on visual preference and life style. 3.The participants’ life style shows positive correlation to visual preference and entering intention to the store. 4.The participants’ personal variable and visual preference had 48.2% to predict entering intention to the store. The stepwise regression analysis shows that, four of chosen variables are related to visual preference. It reflects how important is visual preference to entering intention to the store. In accordance with the study that expects to be helpful on issues related to show windows, and offer some suggestions. Keyword: Show Windows, Visual Preference, Entering Intention to the Store展示櫥窗視覺偏好進店意願Show WindowsVisual PreferenceEntering Intention to the Store消費者對展示櫥窗之視覺偏好與進店意願關係研究The Relationship Between Consumers' Visual Preference of Show Windows and Entering Intention