王麗雲博士Dr. Li-Yun Wang鄭宇純Yu-Chun Cheng2019-08-282014-01-012019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693160015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91224本研究旨在瞭解《地方制度法》之後,桃園縣地方權力結構與教育治理之間的關係。臺灣地區自1997年以來,隨著幾項重大法令修正與實施,興起了分權化(去中心化)運動,不論是對地方政治生態、權力結構及教育治理均造成影響。故為了探究地方權力結構與教育治理之關係,本研究擬從四方面予以探討,首先,分別瞭解桃園縣地方權力結構與教育治理的情形;其次,探討桃園縣地方權力結構對教育治理之影響;最後,歸納桃園縣教育治理在該地方權力結構下的教育發展特徵。 為回答上述研究目的,本研究採用個案研究法,以桃園縣為研究對象,並採聲譽調查法與訪談法蒐集資料。首先,本研究以J.H.Spring於1993年所提出的論點作為本研究的理論架構。其次,運用聲譽調查法,以得到對桃園縣地方教育具有影響力的菁英名單;同時,採用訪談法,透過與桃園縣地方教育治理菁英及熟悉本研究議題的人士,包括壓力團體、教育行政或實務人員、記者、黨派人士等進行訪談,以深入了解桃園縣地方教育事務運作的實際情況。根據研究結果發現,桃園縣地方權力結構確實會對教育治理產生影響,此與Spring的論點相同。然而,由於國情不同,觀察桃園縣權力結構的型態有著和Spring論點相異之處,桃園縣屬於平衡式派系競爭的地方權力結構,而地方教育治理則為政治模式,在權力結構的影響下,桃園縣長握有絕對的教育資源分配與決策權,教育局長則具有教育專業背景,但仍需扮演政治戰略家與功能性執行者的角色,同時,受到權力結構的影響,地方民意代表與鄉鎮市長也會參與地方教育事務的運作,具一定影響程度。在該權力結構的影響下,桃園縣地方教育發展則具備四大特徵,包括執行並精緻化中央教育政策、偏重教育硬體建設、重視績效表現與教育行銷,以及強調南北資源分配與發展等特徵。最後,依據研究結論與討論,提出相關建議。The purpose of the thesis aims to investigate the relationship between local power structure and educational governance in Taoyuan County, especially after the passage of Local Government Act. With the implementation and revise the Local Government Act from 1999, the rise of campaign of decentralization affects not only the local politics, but also local power structure and educational governance. Therefore, there are four steps in investigating the relationship between local power structure and local educational governance in Taoyuan County: 1. exploring the local power structure, 2. recognizing the educational governance, 3. examining the influence of local power structure on local educational governance, 4. summarizing the characteristics about the development of the education. In order to explore the research purpose mentioned above, this research would introduce the model of J.H.Spring’s in 1993.Moreover, the methods of this research are reputational survey and interview.The result of this research corresponds to the concept of Spring, which the local politics and power structure would indeed affect the educational governance in Taoyuan County. However, there are still some differences between the model of Spring and the results of this research. The relation factions in Taoyuan County has not only been competed but also balanced.Besides,the model of local educational governance in Taoyuan County fits the political model.That is to say, the magistrate in Taoyuan County controls personnel, policy making, and the allocation of resources. Moreover, the superintendent of Education Bureau in Taoyuan County plays either a functionary role or becomes a political strategist. Furthermore, the local councilors and the township mayors would have influence in educational operation as well. Basically, there are four characteristics of educational development in Taoyuan County:1. elaborately implementing the education policies made by central government, 2. emphasizing the hardware and buildings of education, 3. stressing the efficiency and marketing in education, 4. focusing on the distribution of resources between the south and the north area among Taoyuan County.地方權力結構地方教育治理教育政治the local power structurethe local education governancepolitics of education桃園縣地方權力結構與教育治理關係之研究A Case study on the Relationship Between Local Power Structure and Educational Governance in Taoyuan County