潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Fong王心汝Wang, Hsin-Ju2019-08-282018-12-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060409012E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91502本研究旨在探討高中資優生的過度激動特質與生涯自我效能。抽取高中階段數理資優學生、人文社會及語文資優學生及藝術資優學生共737人為研究對象,並利用「我的特質量表(II)」、「生涯決策自我效能預期量表」作為研究工具進行調查。問卷所得資料以SPSS22.0套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗、Pearson積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等分析,以回答本研究之研究問題。本研究之結論如下: 一、公、私立高中背景變項上,公立高中資優生在心理激動、智能激動及完美主義的向度顯著高於私立高中資優生。 二、性別變項上,高中資優生過度激動特質中的心理激動、生理激動、感官愉悅、智能激動、創造力、想像力及情緒變異性等向度達顯著差異。其中,男生在心理激動、生理激動、智能激動、創造力高於女生;女生在感官愉悅、同理心及情緒變異性高於男生。 三、年級變項上,高中資優生過度激動特質中的情緒變異性向度高一學生高於高二學生且達顯著差異;生涯自我效能方面高三學生高於高一學生且達顯著差異。 四、資優類別背景變項上,高中資優生過度激動特質中的心理激動、生理激動、感官愉悅、智能激動、完美主義、創造力、情緒變異性等向度達顯著差異,以下分別說明之: 1.心理激動向度:數理資優學生分別高於人文社會及語文資優學生及藝術資優學生。 2.生理激動向度:數理資優學生高於藝術資優學生。 3.感官愉悅向度:人文社會及語文資優學生高於數理資優學生。 4.智能激動向度:數理資優學生高於人文社會及語文資優學生高於藝術資優學生。 5.完美主義向度:人文社會及語文資優學生分別高於數理資優學生及藝術資優學生。 6.創造力向度:數理資優學生高於藝術資優學生。 7.情緒變異性向度:人文社會及語文資優學生高於數理資優學生。 五、父母社經地位高低僅在感官愉悅過度激動特質有差異,但三組之間兩兩平均數未達顯著差異。 六、高中資優生過度激動特質各向度皆與生涯自我效能有顯著相關,其中,情緒變異性與生涯自我效能有負相關(p<.05);其他各項皆為正相關且達.01的顯著水準。 七、高中資優生過度激動特質中的創造力、情緒變異性、感官愉悅、同理心、完美主義、心理激動等向度能預測其生涯自我效能,以創造力的強度最高,有19.6%的預測力。背景變項中則僅有年級向度對生涯自我效能有預測效果,有0.5%的預測力。 最後,研究者根據研究結果與發現,提出具體建議供特殊教育與輔導工作及未來之研究參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the overexcitabilities (OE) traits and career self-efficacy of gifted students in senior high school. The 737 gifted students were scored with “The Me Scale II” and “The Anticipation of Self-Efficacy in Career Decision Making Scale” as tools. The data was examined by SPSS 22.0. The results of this study are as follows: 1.The students in public schools reported significant higher scores than those did in private schools in “psychological” OEs, “intellectual” OEs and “perfectionistic” OEs. 2.Significant difference was found in gender. Male students reported higher scores in “psychological” OEs, “physiological” OEs, “intellectual” OEs and “creative” OEs than female students did. Female students reported higher scores in “sensory pleasure” OEs, “empathetic” OEs and “emotional” OEs than male students did. 3.The first grade students reported significant higher scores in “emotional” OEs than the second grade students did. The third grade students reported significant higher scores in career self-efficacy than the first grade students did. 4.There was significant difference among gifted students. The results are as follows: (1)“Psychological” OEs: Mathematically gifted students reported significant higher scores than languages, humanities and social gifted students and art gifted students did respectively. (2)“Physiological” OEs: Mathematically gifted students reported significant higher scores than art gifted students did. (3)“Sensory pleasure” OEs: Languages, humanities and social gifted students reported significant higher scores than mathematically gifted students did. (4)“Intellectual” OEs: The descending order of “Intellectual” OEs is Mathematically gifted students, languages, humanities and social gifted students and art gifted students. (5)“Perfectionistic” OEs: Languages, humanities and social gifted students reported significant higher scores than mathematically gifted students and art gifted students did respectively. (6)“Creative” OEs: Mathematically gifted students reported significant higher scores than art gifted students did. (7)“Emotional” OEs: Languages, humanities and social gifted students reported significant higher scores than mathematically gifted students did. 5.The socioeconomic status of their parents reported significant difference only on “Sensory pleasure” OEs. 6.“The Me Scale II” subscales are all correlated with “The Anticipation of Self-Efficacy in Career Decision Making Scale”. 7.Career self-efficacy could be predicted by “creative” OEs, “emotional” OEs, “sensory pleasure” OEs, “empathetic” OEs, “perfectionistic” OEs and “psychological” OEs. The “creative” OEs was the strongest predictor; it had 19.6% of predictive power. Moreover, among all background variable in the study, only the “grade” became the predictor to career self-efficacy and the predictive power was 0.5%. In conclusion, according to the research results,the investigators propose that this information could be used as a reference for special education.高中資優生過度激動特質生涯自我效能gifted studentssenior high schooloverexcitabilitiescareer self-efficacy高中資優生過度激動特質與生涯自我效能之研究A Study on Overexcitabilities and Career Self-Efficacy of Gifted Students in Senior High School