潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Fong林盈君Lin, Ying-Jun2024-12-172024-07-152024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fdc2c957c36f78d7a44c1294e6187d7a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122384本研究旨在探討國小資優學生的智力、學業成就及創造力之間的關係,以及不同背景變項對其表現的影響。本研究採調查研究法,研究對象為臺北市國小資優資源班的資優生,以魏氏兒童智力量表第四版及新編創造力測驗作為研究工具,所得資料以SPSS23進行分析,整理出以下研究結論:一、資優學生的智力、學業成就及創造力表現良好,但存在個體差異,且不同性別及年級間的差異不明顯。二、智力與學業成就呈現低度正相關。三、智力與創造力呈部分負相關。四、學業成就與創造力呈現低度負相關。五、國小資優學生的智力對學業成就具有預測力。語文理解指數對國語總成績和社會總成績有顯著預測力;工作記憶指數和處理速度指數對數學總成績有顯著預測力;全量表智商、知覺推理指數和處理速度指數對自然總成績有顯著預測力。六、國小資優學生的智力對創造力部分具有預測力。處理速度指數對流暢力有顯著預測力,工作記憶指數則對變通力有顯著預測力。The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between intelligence, academic achievement, and creativity in elementary school gifted students, as well as the impact of different background variables on their performance. The study employed a survey research method, and the research subjects were gifted students in the gifted resource classes of elementary schools in Taipei City. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition, and a newly developed creativity test were used as research tools. Data were analyzed using SPSS23, yielding the following conclusions:1.Gifted students demonstrate strong performance in intelligence, academic achievement, and creativity, but exhibit individual differences, with no significant differences observed based on gender or grade level.2.There is a low positive correlation between intelligence and academic achievement.3.Intelligence and creativity show a partial negative correlation.4.There is a low negative correlation between academic achievement and creativity.5.Intelligence predicts academic achievement in elementary gifted students. Specifically, verbal comprehension index significantly predicts scores in Chinese and Social Studies; working memory index and processing speed index significantly predict scores in Mathematics; overall IQ, perceptual reasoning index, and processing speed index significantly predict scores in Science.6.Intelligence partially predicts creativity in elementary gifted students. Processing speed index significantly predicts fluency, while working memory index significantly predicts flexibility.國小資優學生智力學業成就創造力elementary school gifted studentsintelligenceacademic achievementcreativity國小資優學生智力、學業成就與創造力之關係研究A Study on the Relationship between Intelligence, Academic Achievement, and Creativity in Gifted Elementary School Students學術論文