蔡芷芬Tsai, Chih-Fen范嘉恩Fan, Chia-En2020-12-102016-08-202020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060160026T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114610摘要 網路與智慧行動裝置的普及,為人們的交流帶來了便利,也擴大了我們的認識範圍和加速資訊符碼的交換與流通。使用者透過觀看屏幕讀取這個由符碼所構成的世界的一切,同時感官與視覺經驗也逐漸的發生變化。 電子傳媒的出現,一切的影像、符號、聲光,彼此混雜,從無數的視窗與屏幕對著我們噴發,構成一個編碼和運算的擬像世界。世界不斷地速度前進,在內爆之下,電傳科技全面擴展到我們的中央神經系統作為我們意識和感官的延伸。傳媒的革新不僅改變了交流的方式,同時也改變了我們對世界和自身的理解,此外,還會造成其他學門領域的影響與改變。如今,電傳科技與數位擬像大行其道,使筆者好奇的是繪畫又將以何種新的意涵與表現方式做出回應? 在筆者個人的看法下,繪畫藝術不只是作為對現實世界的描寫和機械式的反映,它是一個超譯的過程、是主體將抽象的概念與對世界做出直覺式的領會,並且將之實現出來,作為可被視的綜合能力。主體以感知做為認識外部世界的入口,在認識的過程中,對對象的感知包含著對客體的把握和領會,同時感官自身也會將感知道的外部經驗建立成屬於主體自己獨特的詮釋和理解。因此,描繪不僅僅是單純技術性的技巧展現,相反的,它除了作為我們的工具、更是意識的延伸;以一種流動、混雜、根莖般的姿態,將主體、感官、物質、思想,藉由纏繞、交疊將彼此間的雜揉與交互作用表現出來。超譯繪畫,除了反映當經當今後數位時代的集體精神和處境外,同時也是人與世界所共構的「完形」之展現。Abstract The Internet and mobile devices bring us convenience, expand our knowledge, and accelerate the exchange of information. We as users, through screens, perceive the world composed by codes, and in turn, our senses and visual experience are changed by such technology. With the emergence of electronic media, all images, signs, and sound bites are mixed together and sent to us all at once, presenting a virtual world that is constructed by coding and calculation. The world is advancing at an unprecedented pace. In the premise of information “implosion”, information technology has reached our central nervous system, thus becoming an integral part of our consciousness and senses. Media revolution has not only changed our way of communication but also our comprehension of the world and the self. On top of that, it also alters other academic disciplines and fields. Today, electronic communication technology and digital simulacrum is taking the world by storm. The author is thus interested in how painting as an art form would respond to the new technology; is it by bearing new messages or having new approaches? In the author’s opinion, painting is not a mere description of or an unconscious reflection to the world, but a transcoding process in which a person realizes his/her perception of abstract ideas and first-hand intuition of the world. Painting is a complex, perceivable ability of a painter. The human senses are our key to contacting the external world. Our senses work, during the cognitive process, to comprehend and understand various objects and items, and, at the same time, turn the external experience into our internal, unique interpretation and comprehension. Therefore, sketching is not only about the skills. It is not just a tool for us to use but has also itself become the extension of our consciousness. Sketching well presents the painter, his/her senses, the objects, and the underlying ideology by overlapping and interwoven stokes. Transcoding of painting not only reflects the spirit of the post-digital art era but also manifests the “Gestalt” co-constructed by human beings and the world.超譯諧擬編碼碎片後數位繪畫transcodingparodycodingfragmentpost-digital painting超譯繪畫:范嘉恩創作論述The Transcoding of painting:The Research of Art by Fan Chia-En