蕭顯勝Hsien-Sheng Hsiao沈佳萍Jia-Ping Shen2019-09-032007-7-102019-09-032007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692710289%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96690本研究結合行動學習與數學步道,建置一適合國小學生的行動學習數學步道系統。系統完成後以平板電腦為行動學習裝置,利用無線網路,於國小六年級的數學課程中,以戶外行動學習的方式,進行教學實驗,並考量學生的認知風格及數學學習態度,與一般教學方式下的學習成效差異進行分析比較。 本研究以台北市一所國民小學六年級4個班級110名學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究設計,2班為實驗組,2班為對照組。實驗組實施行動學習數學步道學習活動,控制組實施戶外紙本的數學步道學習活動。實驗前,兩組皆進行認知風格、數學學習態度的測驗及數學學習成就測驗前測;實驗結束後,兩組都以數學學習成就測驗進行後測。實驗結果以單因子共變數及t檢定進行分析,歸納所得如下: 一、接受行動學習數學步道學習活動的學生,其數學學習成就表現顯著優於接受戶外紙本數學步道學習活動的學生。 二、使用行動學習數學步道的場地獨立型學生,其數學學習成就表現顯著優於其他的學生。不同的學習方式對於場地依賴型學生則未造成顯著差異效果。 三、以數學學習態度而言,行動學習數學步道的學習活動,對提升數學學習態度低分群學生的數學學習成就,效果較其他的學生顯著。This study aims to combine the benefits of mathematic path and mobile learning. Under the mobile learning environment, this research constructed the mathematics path learning system for primary students. The system offers a simulate situation, real time on-line interaction, hand-writing, learning material and photographing to support learners when they learning mathematics through mathematics path on campus. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of students’ mathematics achievement by using the proposed system and compare the learning effect difference with the general teaching way. We also evaluated different cognitive styles and different learning attitudes students’ mathematics achievement. The experiment took place in the sixth-grade mathematics course with table PCs, wireless network and outdoor learning as learning activity model. Experiment participants were certain of four class’s students at 6th grade of elementary school in Taipei. 56 students were selected as experiment group to learn mathematics by the proposed system; the other 54 students were selectde as control group. They learned mathematics by outdoor paper-based mathematics path. At the beginning of the experiment, students were asked to complete the pretest of cognitive style, the learning attitudes of mathematic and the pre-test of mathematic learning achievement. The post-test of learning performance was administered after the experiment. The experiment results are analyzed by two-way factor variation and t-test and the results are concluded as follows: 1. The learning performance of the experiment group who learning mathematics with the mobile learning mathematics path system was significantly better than the control group who learning mathematics with outdoor paper-based mathematics path. 2. As for the learning performance of students with Field Independent of cognitive style, learning with the mobile learning mathematics path system was significantly better than outdoor paper-based mathematics path students. The effects of learning achievement for the two groups’ students of Field Dependent were not significant. 3. There are no significant of learning effects for two groups’ students of higher and medium learning attitudes. As for the students of lower learning attitudes, learning with the mobile learning mathematics path system was significantly better than outdoor paper-based mathematics path learning.行動學習數學步道認知風格數學學習態度mobile learningmathematics pathcognitive stylemathematics learning attitude行動學習應用於數學步道之研究The study of Mobile Learning Applied to Mathematics Path