杞昭安傅智文Fu, Chin-Wen2019-08-282022-10-262019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501091215%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91402本研究主要目的在探討大專院校盲生在大學生活與學習上的適應行為及對資源教室所提供之服務的滿意程度,以問卷普查法來研究之,本研究共取得65份有效問卷,問卷所得資料以百分比及平均數等統計方法進行分析。 歸納本研究結果如下: 一、綜觀全量表發現四個適應行為項目中,各適應行為的平均值表現為環境調適>人際互動>自我概念>學業學習。 二、背景變項「性別」對適應行為的差異:各項適應行為都是男生優於女生。 三、背景變項「各學院」對適應行為的差異:各適應行為中藝術學院優於其他學院。 四、背景變項「各年級」對適應行為的差異:在學業學習、人際互動及自我概念這三個適應行為中皆是二年級優於其他年級。 五、背景變項「各大學入學方式」對適應行為的差異:各適應行為中其他入學方式的得分表現最優。 六、背景變項「各居住情況」對適應行為的差異:各適應行為中住家裡優於其他居住情況。 七、背景變項「是否自行上下學」對適應行為的差異:在學業學習和人際互動這二個適應行為中皆是不可自行上下學優於可自行上下學。 八、背景變項「合併其他障礙」對適應行為的差異:各適應行為中無合併其他障礙優於有合併其他障礙。 九、背景變項「視障成因」對適應行為的差異:在人際互動、環境調適及自我概念這三個適應行為中皆是後天盲優於先天盲。 十、背景變項「各學習管道」對適應行為的差異:在環境調適和自我概念這二項適應行為中皆是「點字+語音」優於其他學習管道。The purpose of the study was first to investigate blind students’ life and learning in adaptive behavior when studying in university. Another aim was to find out how well the services of the resource rooms were in the campus. This study was conducted by 65 valid questionnaires. The information from the questionnaires was analyzed using percentages and averages. The significant results were as followed: A. According to the survey results of four adaptive behaviors, the average value from high to low was adaption to a new environment, interpersonal interaction, self-concept and academic performance. B. Differences of sex in adaptive behavior : In the results, blind male students were superior than blind female students. C. Differences of the colleges in adaptive behavior : In the results, blind students from college of art were better than the other colleges. D. Differences of school year in adaptive behavior : The sophomores had the best performance in academic learning, interpersonal interaction and self-concept. E. Differences of ways of University enrollment in adaptive behavior: The students who applied the university via other ways of admission had best performance. F. Differences of dwelling environments in adaptive behavior : Live-at-home students were more likely to achieve better than those who were not. G. Differences between going to the school independently or with the assistance in adaptive behavior : The students who came to school with assistance performed better in academic performance and interpersonal interaction. H. Differences of multiple handicaps in adaptive behavior: The handicapped students performed better than the students with multiple handicaps. I. Differences of the reasons that causing defective vision in adaptive behavior: The students with congenital blindness had poor performance in interpersonal interaction ,adaption to a new environment and self-concept. J. Differences of ways of learning in adaptive behavior: In the scale of self-concept and adaption to a new environment, Students using braille and voice activated products performed better than those not.適應行為大專院校盲生大學資源教室Adaptive BehaviorUniversity of blindnessUniversity Resource Room Program大專院校盲生適應行為之調查研究An Investigation on the Candidate Behavior of College Students