蕭惠貞Huichen S. Hsiao廖思涵Szu-han Liao2019-08-282019-8-142019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699800100%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86569概念隱喻與人類生活息息相關,除華語母語者於生活中大量使用隱喻進行言語表述外,亦多見於報章雜誌及華語教材中。然而,這些華語母語者習以為常的隱喻卻可能造成華語第二語言學習者的困惑。有鑑於此,本研究以隱喻原則「思想是食物(IDEAS ARE FOOD)」為基礎,從習得實驗出發,旨在瞭解華語學習者母語的隱喻,是否在其學習華語相關詞彙時產生正遷移。並探究隱喻原則的輔助,是否能使學習者更有效地習得詞彙隱喻義。本文亦觀察學習者習得隱喻原則後,能否類推理解屬於同一隱喻原則的其他詞彙之隱喻義。最後,針對含有隱喻義的詞彙提出教學建議。 本研究的受試對象共20位,分為實驗組和對照組,全體受試者皆為美國或加拿大籍,母語為英語,且華語程度達中級以上之華語學習者。實驗流程分前測、詞彙學習階段、立即後測及延時後測等四階段進行。兩組受試者於前、後測中接受相同的測驗,但兩組於詞彙學習階段使用的講義不同。實驗組使用以概念隱喻組織的詞表,而對照組則使用傳統依課文中出現順序排序之詞表。實驗組亦學習隱喻的相關概念,對照組則無。 實驗結果發現(1)全體受試者在漢英隱喻相同及漢英隱喻相異兩類型詞彙的表現上無顯著差異。(2)以概念隱喻輔助詞彙學習的實驗組,其學習成效優於採傳統學習法的對照組。(3)實驗組受試者習得概念隱喻後,類推理解屬於同一隱喻新詞彙隱喻義的能力較對照組強。根據上述結果,本文建議進行華語教學時,可藉由概念隱喻輔助詞彙隱喻義學習的方式提升學生的隱喻意識,並將屬於同一隱喻原則的詞彙組織起來進行教學。This study aims to examine whether conceptual metaphors facilitate Chinese vocabulary learning or not. We observed that Chinese native speakers tend to use metaphorical expressions in daily conversation, and most Chinese learners are not familiar with those expressions. Based on the metaphor “IDEAS ARE FOOD,” we investigate the role of conceptual metaphors in second language learning and teaching. Ten related words were applied to perform experiments aimed to enhance the efficiency of vocabulary learning. According to the comparisons between English and Chinese, the ten words could be divided into two groups. The first group consists of words with the same meaning in both languages. The other group includes words that represent different meanings in the two languages. A total of 20 subjects participated in the study. Subjects were Mandarin learners with intermediate or higher level Mandarin proficiency, as well as native-English speakers from the US or Canada. The subjects were divided into two groups, namely, the experimental group and control group. Data collection required participants to perform a pretest, a learning stage and two post-tests. The two groups received separate material during the learning stage. The learning material for the experimental group was a word list organized by conceptual metaphor, while the control group's word list was a traditional one that follows the order of the vocabulary as they appear within the text. The results of the experiments show that (1) there is no significant difference between words with the same meaning and words with different meaning in Chinese and English. (2) The performance of the experimental group is better than that of the control group, which means conceptual metaphor can enhance the efficiency of vocabulary learning. (3) After acquiring mapping principles, one can intelligently guess the meaning of new food metaphor related words. Based on the above results, we suggest that Mandarin teachers place more emphasis on enhancing students’ metaphor awareness. With the help of conceptual metaphor instruction, the efficiency of vocabulary learning will be enhanced.概念隱喻思想是食物詞彙學習Conceptual metaphorIDEAS ARE FOODVocabulary learning漢語飲食範疇隱喻詞彙之探析與教學應用An Experimental Study on Conceptual Metaphor: Food-related Words in Mandarin Chinese and their Pedagogical Applications