周麗端博士Dr. Chou, Li-Tuan林容戎Lin, Jung-Jung2019-08-282013-2-242019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696060046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87039本研究旨在探討20-39歲未婚者知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法與擇偶迷思之間的關係。研究採非隨機的滾雪球抽樣法進行調查研究,樣本取自臺北市、臺北縣與基隆市,在回收並刪除廢卷後,共得有效樣本462份。本研究工具包含「擇偶迷思量表」、「知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法量表」和「個人基本資料」。研究結果以SPSS12.0統計軟體進行資料分析,統計方法包括描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元階層迴歸。分析結果如下: 一、現況 1.未婚者較具有「婚前先同居」、「擇偶靠緣份」、「婚姻成功的完全把握」之擇偶迷思。 2.知覺到父親、母親對子女的擇偶看法一致性高。 3.未婚者知覺到父母對於子女選擇伴侶具有「夫妻共結連理都靠緣份」的迷思。 二、擇偶迷思分析 1.「未婚男性」較具婚前先同居和愛就足夠的迷思;「未婚女性」在只有唯一、完美的他(她)、婚姻成功的完全把握和擇偶民間禁忌的迷思程度較高。 2.「低於平均初婚年齡」的未婚者在婚前先同居和婚姻成功的完全把握的迷思程度較高;「高於平均初婚年齡」的未婚者較具愛就足夠和擇偶民間禁忌的迷思。 3.「教育程度為碩博士」的未婚者較不具有只有唯一、婚姻成功的完全把握和擇偶民間禁忌的迷思。 4.「父母為已婚且同住」的未婚者較具有擇偶靠緣份的迷思。 5.「談過戀愛」的未婚者較具有婚前先同居的迷思;「無戀愛經驗」者在擇偶靠緣份的迷思程度較高。 6.「家庭社經地位越高」者,越不相信擇偶民間禁忌。 三、影響未婚男女擇偶迷思之多元迴歸分析 1.知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法與擇偶迷思中的「只有唯一」、「愛就足夠」、「擇偶靠緣份」、「特質互補」、「完美的他(她)」、「婚姻成功的完全把握」,以及「擇偶民間禁忌」呈顯著正相關。 2.性別和戀愛經驗對「婚前先同居」有顯著解釋力。 3.性別、教育程度和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「只有唯一」有顯著解釋力。 4.性別、父母婚姻狀況和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「愛就足夠」有顯著解釋力。 5.父母婚姻狀況、戀愛經驗和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「擇偶靠緣份」有顯著解釋力。 6.性別和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「完美的他(她)」有顯著解釋力。 7.年齡和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「婚姻成功的完全把握」有顯著解釋力。 8.性別、父母婚姻狀況和知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法對「擇偶民間禁忌」有顯著解釋力。 9.知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法最能影響未婚者的「擇偶民間禁忌」迷思,而對「婚前先同居」迷思無顯著影響。 本研究根據以上結果提出建議,供未婚者、婚前教育、親職教育、學校教育及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between 20-39 unmarried adults’ perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection and myths of mate selection. With questionnaire survey and snowball sampling, the study obtained 462 valid samples in total from Taipei city, Taipei County, and Keelung. The instruments of the study include myths of mate selection scale, perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection scale, and the personal information of the samples. Processed with SPSS12.0 for Windows program running descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product moment correlation, and multiple hierarchical regression, the results are as followed: 1.General situation a.Unmarried adults possess more myths of mate selection in “Cohabitation”, “Yuan”, and “Complete Assurance”. b.Relationship between perception of father’s perspectives toward their children’s mate selection and perception of mother’s perspectives toward their children’s mate selection is highly correlated. c.Unmarried adults percept that their parents’ perspectives toward children’s mate selection possesses the myth of “Couples who can get married need to have Yuan”. 2.Analysis of myths of mate selection a.Different gender of unmarried adults lead to significant differences in the aspect of “Cohabitation”, “One and Only”, “Love Is Enough”, “Perfect Partner”, “Complete Assurance”, and “Folk Taboos”. b.Different age of unmarried adults lead to significant differences in the aspect of “Cohabitation”, “Love Is Enough” , “Complete Assurance”, and “Folk Taboos”. c.Different education level of unmarried adults bring about significant differences in the aspect of “One and Only”, “Complete Assurance”, and “Folk Taboos”. d.Unmarried adults with differences of parents’ marital status differ greatly in the aspect of “Yuan”. e.Different love experiences of unmarried adults result in great differences in the aspect of “Cohabitation” and “Yuan”. f.Socio-economic status of family has a significantly negative correlation with unmarried adults’ “Folk Taboos”. 3.Results of multiple hierarchical regression of unmarried adults’ myths of mate selection a.Perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection is notably correlated to “One and Only”, “Love Is Enough”, “Yuan”, “Opposite Complement”, “Perfect Partner”, “Complete Assurance”, and “Folk Taboos”. b.Gender and love experiences can significantly predict “Cohabitation”. c.Gender, education level, and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “One and Only”. d.Gender, parents’ marital status, and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “Love Is Enough”. e.Parents’ marital status, love experiences, and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “Yuan”. f.Gender and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “Perfect Partner”. g.Age and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “Complete Assurance”. h.Gender, parents’ marital status, and perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can significantly predict “Folk Taboos”. i.Perception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection can mostly affect the myths of “Folk Taboos”, but have no significant effects toward the myths of “Cohabitation”. Suggestions are made according to the results shown above for unmarried adults, premarital education, parenting education, school education, and further studies.未婚者擇偶迷思知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法unmarried adultsmyths of mate selectionperception of parents’ perspectives toward their children’s mate selection知覺父母對子女的擇偶看法與未婚男女擇偶迷思之關係研究─以大台北地區為例The Relationship between Unmarried Men and Women’s Perception of Parents’ Perspectives toward their Children’s Mate Selection and Myths of Mate Selection –An Example of Taipei Area