許良明江文雄林裕祥LIN, Yu-Hsiang2019-09-042005-07-202019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H2702223%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98528本研究旨在探討台北地區公立國民中學學生電腦態度之情況,與不同個人背景變項、不同電腦學習經驗變項及不同家庭電腦環境經驗變項的國民中學學生電腦態度的差異情形。採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,以分層叢集抽樣台北地區(臺北市及臺北縣)公立國民中學學生為調查對象,共發出問卷1976份,回收有效問卷1943份,可用率為98%。使用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe’法進行事後比較等統計方法加以分析及考驗。研究結果發現: 壹、電腦態度構面由高至低依序是:有用性(最高為4.1651)、焦慮、喜歡、信心(最低為3.5966),仍有改善空間。 貳、在個人背景變項方面,男生的電腦態度顯著高於女生;「中家庭社經地位」及「高家庭社經地位」比「低家庭社經地位」有顯著較高的電腦態度;「台北市」比「台北縣鄉鎮地區」與「台北市」及「台北縣縣轄市」比「台北縣偏遠地區」的學生有顯著較高的電腦態度。在電腦學習經驗變項方面,學習電腦時間「5個月以上」比「沒有」、「未滿1個月」及「1~3個月」有顯著較高的電腦態度;每星期使用電腦的時間愈長,較時間短有較高的電腦態度。在家庭電腦環境變項方面,家中「有電腦」、「有上網設備」、「有電腦書籍或雜誌」及「有討論電腦對象」比沒有者有顯著較高的電腦態度。 根據上述發現本研究指出五項結論與九項建議。The goal of this research is to investigate the attitudes toward computers (henceforth ATC) among public junior high school students in Taipei area. Different ATCs due to different personal background, different learning experience, and different family environment are also taken into consideration. The approach of questionnaire investigation is adopted. Subjects are public junior high school students in Taipei City and Taipei County, stratified cluster sampling method. The total questionnaire issued and returned is 1976 and 1943 respectively, with a percentage of 98%. In statistics, frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis and Scheffe’ method for post comparison were used to make analysis and test. The findings are listed below. I. The structure of ATC, ranked from high to low, is usefulness (4.1651), anxiety, fondness, and confidence (3.5966). There seems to be room for improvement. II. In the variable of personal background, males’ ATC is significantly higher than that of females. Families with medium or high social and economic status have significantly higher ATC than those with lower social and economic status. Similarly, students in Taipei City have higher ATC than those in the towns in Taipei County, and students in Taipei City and Taipei County have higher ATC than those in the outlying area of Taipei County. In the variable of computer-learning experience, those who have learned to use the computer for more than five months have higher ATC than those who only learned to use the computer for 1-3 month, less than 1 month, and those who have never learned to use the computer. Those who used the computer for a longer period of time every week have higher ATC than those who used the computer less. In the variable of different family environment, those who have computers, access to Internet, computer books or magazines, and a friend with whom they can discuss computers will have higher ATC than those who have none of them. Based on the findings mentioned above, five conclusion and nine suggestions are provided in this investigation.電腦態度學生台北地區公立國民中學attitude towards computerstudentTaipei areapublic junior high shcools台北地區公立國民中學學生電腦態度之研究A Study on the Student’s Attitude towards Computer of the Public Junior High Schools in Taipei Area