林靜萍Lin, Ching-Ping陳暄安Chen, Hsuan-An2019-09-052020-02-152019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060430018A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105029本研究旨在探討合作學習與直接教學方法,應用於大學定向越野課中,對學習動機及班級氣氛之影響。本研究以兩班定向越野課學生為研究對象,採準實驗設計,將學生分為合作學習組與直接教學組。研究工具包含學習動機量表及班級氣氛量表。以相依樣本t檢定及單因子共變數分析進行資料處理。研究結果發現:一、合作學習與直接教學方法應用於大學生定向越野課,整體學習動機前、後測均達顯著差異,但其中合作學習組在切身相關構面則無顯著差異;二、合作學習與直接教學方法應用於大學生定向越野課,整體班級氣氛前、後測均達顯著差異;三、合作學習組與直接教學組間整體學習動機無顯著差異,建立自信及獲得滿足構面合作學習組優於直接教學組;合作學習組與直接教學組在班級氣氛無顯差異,整體平均數相較之下合作學習組優於直接教學組。建議:合作學習應用於定向越野課教學時,教學單元內容要與學生有相關聯結並給予更多選擇之權利。未來研究之建議:一、應用不同分組方法加以了解對學生的學習效果。二、加入質性訪談之方法,瞭解什麼情況能使學生學習動機及班級氣氛能夠有效提升。The purpose of this study was to compare Cooperation Learning and Direct instruction, into university orienteering course about the effect to learning motivation and classroom climate. The participants of orienteering two classes. The method is experimental research. Students are divided into cooperative learning groups and direct teaching groups. The instruments used in this study included motivation model and classroom climate test. The result shows: first, Cooperative learning and direct teaching methods are applied to college student's orienteering courses, Student all showedv high motivation in both methods of grouping; while there are no remarkable differences in relevance facet cooperative learning group; Second, Student all showedv high classroom climate in both methods of grouping. Finally, While there are no remarkable differences in motivation and classroom climate between two teaching method. However, cooperative learning group is better than direct instruction group. Suggestions for Cooperative Learning Applied to Teaching Orienteering, Courses are linked to students. This study some suggestions: First, we can use different grouping methods or learning styles to have a better understanding to students’ learning effect. Second, we can add qualitative interview to have a better understanding to what situation can increase students’ learning motivation and classroom climate.定向越野教學方法創新體育OrienteeringTeaching MethodInnovative Sports合作學習應用於定向越野教學對大學生學習動機及班級氣氛之影響The Effect of Cooperative Learning in Orienteering course on College Students' Learning Motivation and Classroom climate.