陳淑華Chen,Shu-Hwa李俊為Lee Choong Wee2020-12-102015-08-192020-12-102015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060260038T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114647本研究以「賽伯格」(Cyborg)為主軸,賽伯格源自英文Cyborg,為cybernetic organism的結合,意思為機械與有機體的混合。本研究從對動物畫的喜愛及對機械極大的想像出發,分析兩者之間的關係,並以機械與有機體的論述,探討賽伯格之含義。然而有機體的定義非常廣泛,本研究僅以筆者從小就感興趣的馬為主要表現對象,從而集中在馬與機械結合的賽伯格美學探討。 本研究分別透過對機械與生物之美的闡述,將兩者結合成為賽伯格之美,進而對賽伯格形象做新的詮釋之可能。本研究與創作是緊密結合的,在創作上主要著重於對馬與機械轉譯為賽伯格形象的視覺體驗,也希望藉著對賽伯格的研究轉化馬的形象,讓機械與馬的表現有新的可能,而使筆者的未來創作路徑得以延伸。 本研究透過四個系列的繪畫創作探究機械與生命的結合與意義。四個系列在構圖與意義的探討上各有不同,分別探究賽伯格與生命、環境、過去及未來的關係。賽伯格美學在四個系列中藉由馬形象得以顯現,而機械的形式也透過系列作品漸漸蛻變。系列作品的題材探索也象徵著筆者對於創作的開啟與對未來研究的方向。The research revolves around the concept of Cyborg (short for “cybernetic organism), meaning the synthesis of machines and lifeforms, and explores the correlation between the aforesaid by integrating the author’s love for animal paintings and wildest imagination for mechanical lifeforms. Through the study in cybernetic organism, this research presents the significance behind the notion of Cyborg. However, as there have been many types and forms of cyborgic lifeforms, the research focuses solely on cybernetic horses in which the author has had an interest since young, and presents a more in-depth interpretation of cyborgic aesthetics through the synthesis of horses and mechanical forms. This research demonstrates the beauty of cybernetic science and organic lifeforms and turns the aforesaid into the aesthetics of Cyborg, thereby giving Cyborg the possibility of a new interpretation. The research is closely related to the series of paintings – the paintings mainly focus on visual experience through the depiction of horses and machines in cyborgic forms. The author also wishes to enhance the semblance of horses through the study in Cyborg, so as to give mechanical forms and horses a new manifestation, which helps to stimulate the author’s future mode of creativity. This research explores the combination of mechanical and life forms, as well as the significances behind it, through four series of paintings. Each series is different in terms of composition and aspects of significance – to discover the correlation of Cyborg with lifeforms, environments, the past and the future. In the four series of paintings, cyborgic aesthetics will be depicted through the portrayals of horses, while mechanical forms are gradually transmogrified. The exploration and discovery of various themes also reflects the author’s creative inspirations and points out the direction for future research.賽伯格有機體機械繪畫cyborgorganismmachinehorsepainting賽伯格美學的轉譯——生命機械性的繪畫創作論述Cybogic Aesthetics Transformation— Cybogic Aesthetics Transformation—creation statements of life mechanism