林賢參Hsien-Sen Lin李庭碩Ting-Shuo Lee2019-08-282015-1-262019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060183051I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85854  「印度太平洋」作為一新興的地緣政治概念,將傳統被視為相互獨立的太平洋地區與印度洋地區整合成一連續的地理空間,近年受到各國廣泛的討論與重視。探討印太概念的成形與發展後,本研究認為除地區國家實力的崛起之外,全球經濟、能源安全及戰略重心移動等等因素,都大幅提升了印太地區的重要性。目前印太地區內的重要行為者,非中共與印度莫屬,中印兩國的崛起,不只會改變區域局勢,對全球的勢力平衡也有所影響。本研究依循地緣政治的研究途徑,綜論中印的陸地與海洋安全關係後,認為陸地邊界問題、陸權影響力競爭及海洋勢力重疊等問題,為未來中印安全關係發展所面臨的主要挑戰。   中印在1962年曾因邊界問題爆發戰爭,雖然雙方在重新接觸後建立起多種協商機制,不過,多年的談判尚未能完全解決此紛爭,陷入談判深水區的陸地邊界爭端未來將繼續阻礙中印關係的發展。除邊界爭端外,勢力垂直擴張想西出印度洋的中共與勢力水平擴張意圖東進太平洋的印度,在印太地區競爭海陸影響力的格局已經成形。未來,中印在印太地區陸權與海權勢力的劃分,將成為中印邊界問題之外,影響中印安全關係及印太局勢發展的重要課題。雖然中印安全關係的發展面對許多挑戰,但協商機制的建立與運作、經貿關係的深化,加上新任領導人目前對雙方友好關係的強調,都有助於中印安全關係在短期內繼續維持和平。"Indo-Pacific" as an emerging geopolitical concept is integrating Pacific region and Indian Ocean region into a continuous geographical space. This concept has been widely discussed by many countries in recent years. After reviewing the forming and development of the concept, this study suggests that except for the rise of powerful countries in the region, global economy, energy security, and the shift of national strategic center all greatly highlight the importance of the Indo-Pacific region. At present, China and India are the important actors within the region. The rise of China and India will affect not only the regional stability but also the balance of global power. After discussing both land and sea security relations between China and India with the geopolitical research approach, this study concludes that land border issues, land power competition and overlapping seapower are the main challenges for the future development of Sino-Indian security relations. Because of border dispute, war broke out between China and India in 1962. The two sides established a variety of negotiation mechanisms after re-engagement. However, years of negotiations have not fully resolved this dispute. The border dispute will continue to hinder the development of Sino-Indian relations. In addition to the border dispute, the vertical expansion of China and the horizontal expansion of India have shaped the pattern of competition between China and India in the Indo-Pacific region. Besides of border dispute, the balance of land and sea power between China and India in the Indo-Pacific region will become an important factor affecting Sino-Indian relations and regional security in the future. Although the development of Sino-Indian relations faces with many challenges, the establishment and operation of negotiation mechanisms, the promotion of economic and trade relations, and the emphasis on development of friendship by both leaders will help the two sides to maintain peace in the short term.地緣政治印太地區中印關係geopoliticsIndo-Pacific regionSino-Indian relations中共與印度在印度太平洋地區的安全關係Sino-Indian Security Relations in the Indo-Pacific Region