許添明陳嘉雯2019-08-282016-2-22019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697000055%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90173隨著經濟發展、教育普及、社會變遷與價值觀念等之轉變,二十世紀後半各工業先進國家的生育率已有逐年降低之趨勢,我國於1985年起正式名列人口少子女化國家之列,於2009年更成為全球總生育率最低的國家。我國不僅生育率逐年下降,更以超越全球其他國家的速度邁向少子女化社會型態,在人口結構快速轉變的趨勢之下,對我國社會、經濟、文化與教育等均造成劇烈的衝擊與影響。其中,在國民教育階段中最顯著的影響即為學齡人口的逐年減少,學齡人口逐年減少將直接地影響學校招生員額與各校學生總人數,間接地造成小型學校數量逐年攀升;在規模經濟、最適經營規模與教育等因素之考量下,小型學校整併議題近年來成為各界關注與探討的焦點,亦成為各縣市政府不得不加以正視之課題。本研究首先透過內政部戶政司提供之各鄉鎮市區出生人口數,分別推估國民小學與國民中學未來各校學生人數變化至106與112學年度;其後,分析在納入特殊性指標前後於低、中、高三種不同整併標準下,未來我國各縣市可能之學校整併概況與衝擊程度。根據本研究之推估與分析,獲致以下五點研究結論: 一、特殊性指標考量對小型學校發揮保護作用 二、國民小學受學校整併影響程度大於國民中學 三、112學年度國民中學受學校整併影響程度大於106學年度 四、在高整併標準下澎湖縣為未來受學校整併影響最大之縣市 五、在低整併標準下僅嘉義市為106學年度國民小學暫無整併需求之縣市、嘉義市與金門縣為112學年度國民中學暫無整併需求之縣市 希冀透過本研究的分析與探討,提供各縣市政府未來在進行有關學校整併政策規劃時之參考,及早預作相關規劃以減緩小型學校可能帶來之整併衝擊。Due to economic development, popularity of education, change of society, and transformation of social values, the fertility rates in advanced industrial countries have been dropped gradually since the second half of the twentieth century. Taiwan has also joined this trend since 1985 and its fertility rate even became the lowest in the world in 2009. Taiwan is becoming a society with low birthrate in a fast speed if compared to other countries. This rapid change of demographic structure has seriously impacted and affected the society, economy, culture and education of Taiwan. The most significant impact on the compulsory education is the shrinking school-age population. It directly leads to the decrease of admission quota and the total student number, and causes an increasing amount of small-scale schools indirectly. Considering the economies of scale, the optimal scale of operation and education itself, the consolidation of small-scale schools has become a focused issue that local governments need to concern in recent years. This study estimates and forecasts the change of student numbers in elementary and junior high schools in the academic years of 106 and 112 based on the number of birth in each township provided by the Department of Household Registration, Ministry of the Interior. With the adoption of a particular index which has a three-scale standard of consolidation (i.e. high, mid, and low scales), the present study analyzed the possible situation and degrees of impacts that consolidation of schools in every city or county would cause. With reference to our analysis, five generalizations are made: 1.The particularity index concern protects small-scale schools. 2.The influences on the consolidation of elementary schools are greater than those on the junior high schools. 3.The effect upon school consolidation of junior high school in the academic year of 112 is larger than that in the academic year of 106. 4.With reference to the high consolidation standard, Penghu county would have the greatest impact. 5.With reference to the low consolidation standard, Chiayi city is the only one that will not need consolidation of elementary schools in the academic year of 106. Chiayi city and Kinmen county are the two places which will not have the demand of consolidation of junior high schools in the academic year of 112. It is hoped that the findings of the present study could be used as reference for local governments when making policies related to school consolidation in the future.少子女化國民教育學校整併小型學校low fertility ratecompulsory educationschool consolidationsmall-scale school我國國民教育階段學校整併之推估研究A study on the Consolidation of Taiwan Elementary and Junior High Schools in Compulsory Education