王錦雀Wang, Chin-Chueh劉思妤Liu, Szu-Yu2022-06-082021-07-202022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a6d25ec704ba7bb56e5333dc57d44cc3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118527本研究立基於108學年度起於我國高級中等學校實施的十二年國民基本教育課程綱要,以「問題導向學習」(Problem-based Learning,PBL)為高中公民與社會科課程教學方案設計之架構,採取質性方法實施為期一學期兩循環之行動研究,欲對教學實務現場教師與學生面臨的學習困境帶來改變與省思。本研究以109學年度入學的高一學生為研究對象,在高一上學期的公民與社會科課堂進行包含暖身活動、前導教學和問題導向學習式教學,共十堂課的問題導向學習課程。期望透過教學策略的創新、有效結合新課綱強調之素養精神,引導學生以自身為學習主體的學習模式,培養「學習」所需的專業知能,在學會公民學科課程所期待的學習內容、學習表現目標的同時,亦在素養能力上有所成長。分析研究者自身課程設計歷程紀錄和教學省思札記、協同研究教師的課堂觀察記錄與訪談回饋、學生的學習產出與學習反思回饋等質性資料,研究結果顯示學生問題導向學習應用於高中公民與社會科教學,能幫助學生增進探究思考、理解與表達、統整分析公民科學習內容的素養,累積自主學習能力和團隊合作學習經驗;透過「問題導向學習」模式,能引導學生發現公民與社會科課程與實際生活的連結、提升資訊擷取和實作能力,並建立學生自我引導學習、應用知識解決生活化問題的方法和歷程。由本研究結論可知,問題導向學習對於學生達成十二年國民基本教育課程綱要中的社會領域核心素養,以及普通型高中公民與社會科學習內容和學習表現,皆有正面助益。This research is based on the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education implemented in Taiwan’s general senior high school in the 108th academic year, and uses"Problem-based Learning" (PBL) as the framework for the design of the high school Civics and Society curriculum teaching program. Take a qualitative approach to implement a one-semester two-cycle action research, in order to bring changes and reflections on the learning difficulties faced by teachers and students on the teaching practice site. This research takes the first-year high school students who enrolled in the 109 academic year as the research object, giving the students 10 lessons ofPBL courses including warm-up activities, pre-teaching and problem-based learning teaching in their first semester civics and society class.Expect going through by the innovation of teaching strategies and the effective combination of the spirit of Core Competency emphasized in the Curriculum Guidelines, students will be guided to take their own learning mode as the learning subjectivity, and to cultivate the professional knowledge required for"learning". While achieving the essential learning focuses and performance goals, students also grow in literacy and competencies. The results show that the application of PBL to the teaching of civics and society class in high schools can help students improve their inquisitive thinking, understanding and expression, comprehensively analyzing the civics learning content, accumulating independent learning ability and teamwork learning experience; in addition, PBL in civics and society classcan guide students to discover the connection between courses and real life, improve information acquisition and practical ability, and establish methods and processes for students to self-guided learning and apply knowledge to solve daily life problems.From the conclusions of this research, it can be seen that problem-based learning is positively helpful for students to achieve the core competencies in social studies domain in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, as well as the essential learning focuses and performance goals of the civics and society subject of general senior high school.問題導向學習PBL十二年國民基本教育普通型高中社會領域課程綱要公民與社會problem-based learningPBL12-Year Basic Educationthe Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Domaingeneral senior high schoolcivics and society subject問題導向學習應用於普通型高中社會領域公民與社會科教學的行動研究An Action Research on Problem-based Learning Applied to the Civics and Society Subject in Social Studies Domain of General Senior High School學術論文