鄒蘊欣Chou, Cindy Yunhsin克羅伊Reullier, Chloe2023-12-082023-07-122023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ca506e9bfe52f6a86afdb88a85e85802/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120083這篇論文探討了頂層管理的概念性質以及在進行數位轉型的組織中,頂層管理與較低層級之間的差距存在。實施數位轉型策略需要共同理解現象及扎實的理論基礎。儘管有許多關於企業頂層管理者角色的研究,但較少關注受這些決策影響最大的較低層級員工。少數研究承認員工的角色時,主要著重於他們對數位轉型的準備和能力,忽略了他們的情緒狀態和與客戶的互動。本研究確定了溝通困難和理解不足作為重要問題,強調了阻礙全面決策和員工滿意度的五個關鍵問題。研究結果凸顯了在推動成功的數位轉型中,考慮頂層管理者和較低層級員工的能力和觀點的重要性。研究結論指出,組織應該致力於全面合作,涵蓋組織的各個層級,以確保順利過渡和不同層級之間更好的協調。解決確定的挑戰將有助於增強溝通、促進共同理解,並在數位轉型項目中彌合頂層管理和較低層級員工之間的差距。This thesis explores the conceptual nature of top-level management and the existence of a gap between the lower levels within organizations undergoing digital transformation. The implementation of digital transformation strategies requires a shared understanding of the phenomenon and a solid theoretical foundation. While studies on the role of top managers in firms have been abundant, little attention has been given to the lower-level employees who are most impacted by these decisions. The few studies that acknowledge the role of employees focus on their readiness and capabilities to support digital transformation, neglecting their emotional state and their interactions with customers.This research identifies communication difficulties and a lack of understanding as significant concerns, highlighting five key problems that hinder comprehensivedecision-making and employee satisfaction. The findings underscore the importance of considering the competencies and perspectives of both top-level managers and lower-level employees in driving successful digital transformation. The study concludes that organizations should aim for collaborative efforts involving all levels of the organization to ensure a smoother transition and better alignment between different levels. Addressing the identified challenges will contribute to enhancing communication, promoting shared understanding, and bridging the gap between top-level management and lower-level employees during digital transformation initiatives.頂層管理差距下層數位轉型溝通困難決策員工滿意度Top-level managementGapLower levelsDigital transformationCommunication difficultiesDecision-makingEmployee satisfaction企業數位轉型困難之初探以零售服務業為例An investigation of the difficulties for the organizational digital transformation: a case of retailing serviceetd