賴香如鍾紘怡Chung Hung-Yi2019-08-282011-7-122019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595051118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87769本研究目的在探討苗栗縣國中生知覺家庭環境、學校環境和危害健康行為的現況,以及家庭環境、學校環境對危害健康行為之預測力。採橫斷式設計,以自陳結構問卷為工具,對隨機選出的506名七、八年級學生進行調查,得有效問卷479份,有效回收率94.66%。再以SPSS 12.0 for Windows統計軟體進行t檢定、 ANOVA、 Pearson積差相關及多元廻歸分析,得到下列重要結果: 一、 研究對象知覺家庭環境和學校環境均偏正向。 二、 研究對象危害健康行為現況屬輕微程度,並以不良生活習慣較多。除了不良生活習慣平均得分介於「有過一、二次」到「偶爾有」間,其餘四類危害健康行為皆介於「從來沒有」到「有過一、二次」間。 三、 男性、家庭結構不完整者較容易出現危害健康的行為。 四、 家庭環境、學校環境與危害健康行為呈負相關。家庭環境愈佳,危害健康行為愈少;學校環境愈佳,危害健康行為也愈少。 五、 社會人口學變項、家庭環境和學校環境可預測危害健康行為,解釋變異量為36.66%。其中性別、「互助、支持與溝通」、「爭吵與情緒表達」、「家庭規範」、「支持多元文化」、「紀律嚴苛」及「安全問題」是重要變項,且以「紀律嚴苛」的預測力最大。 根據研究發現,建議家長營造良好家人關係和建立家庭規範,教師落實正向管教和妥善處理校園安全問題,以降低危害健康行為的發生。The purposes of this study were to investigate family and school environment and health-risk behavior, and assess the effects of family environment and school environment on health-risk behavior. The subjects were 506 seventh and eighth grade students randomly selected from junior high schools in Miaoli. Data were collected from students’ self-report questionnaire. The total sample size was 479 with 94.66% response rate. Further, t-Test, ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regressions were applied to analyze the data. The results indicated that: 1. The perceived family and school environment of the subjects were both positive. 2. Health-risk behaviors of the subjects were rare. However, more than half of the subjects had some "bad habits" as they went into junior high school. 3. Males and students with incomplete family structure had more health-risk behaviors. 4. Family and school environment was negatively related to health-risk behaviors. 5. The demographic factors, family and school environment could predict the health-risk behavior with 36.66% variance explained. Gender, the cohesion, expressiveness and conflict of family, family norm, multicultural supporting, disciplinary harshness, and safety problems are the most important variables. According to the findings, we suggest that family build good relation, norms and the responsibility. In school environment aspect, teachers should increase the security of campus in order to reduce health-risk behaviors.國中生危害健康行為家庭環境學校環境Junior High School StudentHealth-risk behaviorsFamily environmentSchool environment苗栗縣國中生家庭環境、學校環境與危害健康行為之相關研究The study of the Relationship in Miaoli Junior High School Stuednts of Family Environment, School Environment, and Health Behaviors