譚光鼎Kuang-Daing Tan康瀚文Han-Wen Kang2019-08-282012-07-312019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892000010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90290本研究的目的在瞭解台灣自1994年四一○民間教育改革運動前後迄今(2010年),教師專業論述的形塑與發展過程。本研究先整理教師專業的相關文獻做為理論背景,並探究台灣自遷台後至1990年代教育改革間教師專業發展的歷史進程。之後在研究方法上採取論述分析方法,對當時教師專業論述文本包括官方報告、報章媒體報導、民間團體刊物與學者專家的研究報告進行文本的分析、論述的詮釋與社會脈絡的解釋,並據以形成本研究的研究結論。 本研究的研究結論如下: 一、台灣教師的專業特徵從過去道德教化的角色走向專業人員的角色。 二、專業訓練的教師專業論述呈現一種開放走向緊縮的轉變過程。 三、專業組織的教師專業論述呈現出專業主義與工會主義間的對立過程。 四、專業評鑑的教師專業論述呈現出教師成為專業人員的發展過程。 五、台灣教師專業論述的整體現象具有彼此影響、手法與現象互通,以及由官方主導、以市場機制為政策內容的現象。 六、台灣教師專業論述裡,教師已被社會大眾視為專業人員。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出對政府官方、教師組織與未來研究的相關建議。This study is to explore the discourse of teacher profession in the 410 Educational Reform in Taiwan since 1994. First, it reviews the literature for teacher profession to form the theoretic background. Then, it analyzes the process of development for teacher profession since the Recession of Taiwan till educational reform in 1990s. The study adopts the methodology of discourse analysis which includes textual analysis, discoursive interpretation, and social contextual explanation. As for the objects of analysis are official reports, newspapers, mass media reports, civil organization publications, and research reports. The results demonstrate the following features for the discourse of teacher profession in Taiwan as its conclusion: 1.The characteristics of Taiwanese teachers have a major change from the moral and edifying role to professional role. 2.The discourse of teachers’ professional training shows a process of conversion from openness to restriction. 3.The discourse of teachers’ professional organization shows a process of opposition between unionism and professionalism. 4.The discourse of teachers’ professional evaluation shows a process of its development of how teachers are regarded as professionals. 5.The above discourses influence each other and have common strategies and techniques. They are promoted by the government and use the market mechanism as the policy content. 6.In the discourse of teacher profession, the public has already regarded teachers as professionals in Taiwan. To sum up, this study concludes with suggestions for the government, teacher organizations, and research groups to help improve teacher profession in the future based on the above results.教師專業論述分析教育改革teacher professiondiscourse analysiseducational reform臺灣教師專業論述發展之研究A study on the development of teacher profession discourse in Taiwan