印永翔Ying, Yung-Hsiang張嘉祥Chang, Chia-Hsiang2023-12-082023-09-062023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ff3ef546891180de3c6d40fab962419a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120122近1/4世紀以來,人類生活水準持續提高,伴隨的是進入高齡化社會,身體老化、衍生各種慢性疾病,進而影響生活品質。也因為資訊的高度普及,人們對於自身健康、養生保健等觀念意識提高於自身健康、養生保健等觀念意識提高。為能夠改善慢性疾病,並提高身體健康的品質,開始主動尋找更符合理想的醫療系統或健康維持方式。這些有別於正統西方醫學的各種醫療和保健系統、實踐及產品,統稱為『輔助與替代醫學』 。隨著輔助與替代醫學的興起,藥用植物及中草藥也更加備受關注。薑黃(Curcuma longa L.),一種薑目、薑科、多年生植物,全球有紀錄的薑黃品種高達176種。是南亞地區的人常用的食用香料之一,也用於保存食物、紡織品的天然染料,更多是應用在日常身體保健,甚至是疾病的治療;在過去的近一個世紀中進行的廣泛研究證明,大多數這些功效,都是由薑黃的主要成分「類薑黃素」 所提供。薑黃產品從人類食用,發展應用在經濟動物、伴侶動物,也得到預期的功效。本研究主要為文獻分析法(Document Analysis),以文獻為理論基礎,藉由文獻之探討為本研究扎根;再輔以PEST分析及問卷調查,尋找未來可能影響藥用植物的因子,並得以提出預應對策,發掘可能之商機。結果顯示,不論是從文獻的整理推導,或是藉由大環境面的分析及問卷調查,隨著時間的進展,薑黃的未來將大有可為。For nearly a quarter of a century, living standard has been increasingly elevated along with the aging society. The aging of the human body and various chronic diseases have affected the living quality. Additionally, with the widespread use of information, people’s awareness of self-health care and regimen has also enhanced. In order to ameliorate chronic diseases and improve health quality, people have been actively seeking a more ideal medical system or methods for health maintenance. These measures collectively called “Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, are quite different from the various medical and healthcare system, practices and products of the traditional western medical science. With the rise of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, pharmaceutical plants and Chinese herbal medicine have attracted much attention.Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) is a perennial herb and a member of the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family with up to 176 varieties recorded globally. It is one of the most frequently used spices in Southern Asia. Moreover, turmeric is not only used for food preservation and natural dyes for textiles, it is also applied to daily healthcare and even as treatment of diseases. Extensive research conducted over the past century has proven that the majority of these effects are provided by curcumin, the major component of turmeric. Its products have been developed and applied to both economic and companion animals, and they have also attained the expected effects.This research is mainly based on Document Analysis, taking the literature as the theoretical basis and taking root in this research through the investigation of the literature; in addition, this research is assisted by PEST analysis and questionnaire in search for the potential factors affecting pharmaceutical plants, and therefore able to propose the coping strategies, exploring possible business opportunities. As the result suggests, with time progressing, the future of turmeric will be promising whether it’s deduced from literature, or through the analysis of the general environment and questionnaire survey.輔助與替代醫學薑黃薑黃素藥用植物中草藥Complementary and Alternative MedicineTurmericcurcuminmedicinal plantsChinese herbal medicine藥用植物在健康產業的應用-以薑黃為例Application of Medicinal Plants in Health Industry-The case of Turmericetd