周愚文Chou, Yu-Wen高楷鈞Kao, Kai-Chun2023-12-082023-08-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3975691e020f22ed22eb38ce743eff5c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119470本研究旨在了解臺灣十二年國民基本教育階段,中小學情緒行為障礙學生教育發展的脈絡、現況與問題。本研究屬歷史研究,運用一二手史料及相關法規文件,從時間變化角度,探討我國情障教育的發展。研究發現,根據不同的教育支持服務內容及人數變化,臺灣「情障」學生的教育可分為「訓導時期(1960年代中期以前)」、「心理衛生時期(1960年代中後期至1998年)」、「特殊教育時期(1999年至今)」三個時期。本研究發現影響各時期間變化的關鍵因素是「提高就學機會的法令規範」與「落實情障鑑定工作」,而至今尚待解決的主要問題為:「情障定義與精神醫學名詞混用」以及「特殊教育教師在專業團隊中的角色未落實」,因此提出「修正情障學生鑑定辦法」、「調整特殊教育教師對情障學生教育的服務方向」兩項建議,以及未來相關研究的方向。The main purpose of the study is to explore the educational development and difficulty of , Twelve Year Basic Education students with emotional and behavioral disorder (E/BD) in Taiwan. Using historical method with first-hand and second-hand sources, such as government statutes and regulations, government gazettes, from the perspective of time change, inquire the educational development of students with E/BD. In Taiwan, its development can be broadly divided into three stages based on changes in support services methods and the number of students with E/BD: the discipline stage (before the mid-1960s), the counseling stage (from the mid-1960s to 1998), and the special education stage (from 1999 onward). The main findings are as follows. The key impact factors in the three periods were the laws and regulations promoting admission rates and the implementation of special education identification for students with E/BD. Yet, the unsolved difficulties lied in the confusion between the definition of concept of E/BD and medical terms and the lack of implementation of the role of special education teachers in professional teams. Therefore, this study recommends to revise the framework of special education identification for students with E/BD, and to improve the special educational treatments for this kind of students. Additionally, the study provides some recommendations for the further research.中小學特殊教育情緒行為障礙十二年國民基本教育elementary and secondary schoolsemotional and behavioral Disorderspecial educationTwelve Year Basic Education臺灣情緒行為障礙學生教育發展研究(1950-2022)A Study on the Educational Development of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorder in Taiwan(1950-2022)etd