盧秀琴童麗珠林金盾2014-10-272014-10-272005-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6867本研究利狦單波長強光適應與電顯技術探討七星瓢蟲Coccinella setpempunctata小眼桿小體(rhabdomere)的微細變形(deformation),以驗證一個小眼(ommatidium)中不同視細胞(retinulacells)的位置。在暗適應中,分別用極強單一波長色光(360 nm, 420nm, 520 nm)連續照射實驗組動物的右側複眼背區兩小時以上,再用穿透式電子顯微鏡檢查視細胞中桿小體微絨毛的變形程度。由處理360nm或420nm只使中央桿小體變形,而520nm只使周圍桿小體變形的結果,證明七星瓢蟲的小眼中,周圍視細胞均為綠光受器,而中央視細胞為紫外光受器和藍光受器。We investigated the localization of retinula cells within an ommatidum of a ladybride beetle, coccinella septempunctatat by use of monochromatic light of different wavelengths to induce the rhabdomeric deformation and by electron microscopy to check the structural changes. After the right compound eye being illuminated continuously by the high intensity of 360, 240 and 520 nm, respectively, for over 2 hours, the treated eyes were sectioned into a serial ultrathin slides. The degree of structural changes in rhabdomeric microvilli was checked by TME. Results form the treatment of 360 or 420 nm caused the rhabdomeric deformation in central rhabdom; whereas 520 nm affected the peripheral rhabdom, it was confirmed that the all six peripheral retinula cells (Nos 1-6) were green receptors and the two central retinula cells (Nos 7 and 8) were UV and blue receptors, respectively.七星瓢蟲小眼視細胞桿小體微絨毛Coccinella septempunctataOmmatidiumRetinula cellRhabdomeric microvilli桿小體變形法定位七星瓢蟲的小眼視細胞Localization of Retinula Cells within an Ommatidium of Coccinella Septempunctatat L. (COLEOPTERA: COCCINELLIDAE) by the Rhabdomeric Deformation