張柏舟林曉君2019-09-052017-7-222019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099632119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103287插畫的發展由來已久,從遠古歐美的洞穴壁畫、北美印第安人的圖畫文,日本的瓦版新聞及浮世繪,衍生出許多不同的風格與主題。本研究聚焦在今日台灣的圖畫書中的手繪插畫,圖畫書中的手繪插畫除了有各式各樣的風格,創作媒材發展與時俱進,多元的媒材演譯著相同的或者不同的故事。 圖畫書中插畫的媒材可以分為手繪、電腦繪圖及綜合媒材。而眾多媒材大部分是屬於手繪的方式,手繪部分則包含鉛筆、粉彩、水彩、油畫、壓克力、蠟筆、綜合媒材等項目。本研究整理現代圖畫書中的插畫,並從技法與風格等層面去比較數件不同的案例,再將之應用於創作中。Illustration has been developing a plethora of styles and motifs for quite a long time form ancient cave frescoes, north Indian pictograph, Japan Kawaraban(pottery pieces) news, and the Ukiyo-e till nowadays. This thesis is discussing the hand-made illustrations used in picture books in contemporary Taiwan. The illustrations in picture books are built by kinds of media and are classified by styles. Those creative styles and media are constructing stories to people. The media in picture books can be defined as hand-made, computer-made and multi-medias. Most of the ways are hand-made, which include pencil, pastel, oil painting, acrylic, crayon, multi-media and any way combines all the listed together. This thesis is to collect the illustrations of contemporary picture books published in Taiwan, to discuss the cases by the point of view of skill and style, and to classify those applications into illustrations of picture books.手繪插畫圖畫書illustrationhand madepicture books應用在圖畫書中的手繪插畫The Application of Hand Made Illustration in Picture Books