林孟真陳雅萍Chen, Ya-ping2019-08-292012-07-312019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0591021001%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92349本研究旨在探討高中圖書館主任角色知覺及圖書資訊學繼續教育之現況,以臺灣地區319所高中的圖書館主任為研究對象,採用研究者自編之問卷進行普查,後續於臺灣東、西、南、北四區各抽樣一所公立、一所私立高中,與圖書館主任進行訪談,以彌補問卷調查之不足。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查及後續訪談的結果,本研究獲致下列結論: 一、高中圖書館主任以「不具專業知能」者居多。 二、具圖書資訊學專業知能的高中圖書館主任中,以「圖書館學或圖書資訊學二十學分以上結業、進修中」最多。 三、高中圖書館主任以教師兼任為主,單純具備「圖書資訊管理類科高普考,或特考及格並取得任用資格」者最少。 四、高中圖書館主任以「圖書館經營者」的角色知覺最高,其次為「學生的圖書教師」、「終身教育推手」、「校園資訊專家」、「教師的教學夥伴」,「社區文化舵手」最低。 五、圖書資訊學研究所、二十學分班、專業工作經驗對於型塑高中圖書館主任的角色知覺無顯著影響。 六、具備圖書資訊學學士學歷的高中圖書館主任在「圖書館經營者」、「校園資訊專家」、「學生的圖書教師」的角色知覺較高。 七、有圖書館加科登記證明的高中圖書館主任在「社區文化舵手」的角色知覺較高。 八、高中圖書館主任認為圖書資訊學繼續教育對角色知覺之型塑以「圖書館經營者」最高,「社區文化舵手」與「終身教育推手」排序最後。 九、高中圖書館主任認為圖書資訊學繼續教育最應加強的課程型態為「實務能力」。 十、高中圖書館主任認為圖書資訊學繼續教育應以「線上進修研習」、「短期研習班」為主要開課型態。 十一、高中圖書館主任認為營造社區文化課程以「文化資產與社區」、「行銷管理」最重要。 十二、高中圖書館主任認為推動終身教育課程以「網路學習」、「終身學習理論與實務」最重要。 最後研究者根據本研究結論,對教育行政機關、高級中學、高中圖書館主任、圖書資訊學相關系所及機關團體、後續研究提出建議。The purpose of this research is to study the role perception and continuing education of senior high school library directors. This research targets at 319 senior high school library directors in Taiwan area. The researcher uses a quantities questionnaire, and randomly selects two school library directors from four areas, base on geographical location as interviewees. The findings of the study are : 1. Most of senior high school library directors do not have library and information science background knowledge of their work. 2. Most of senior high school library directors who have library and information science background knowledge are graduate from 20 credits post-carrier course library and information science continuing education. 3. Almost senior high school library directors are subject teachers, and no civil service worker or public servants with profession-related knowledge. 4. The role most library directors identify with most is library manager while the last is social culture sailman. 5. The graduate degree of the graduate institute of library and information science, 20 credits post-carrier course, continuing education and the experience professional work have unnoticeable effect on role perception. 6. The directors who hold the undergraduate degree of library information science have higher role perception on library manager, school information provider and teacher, respectively. 7. The directors who had register the library information degree have identified most with their role as social culture sailman. 8. The directors think the continuing education of library information science can help to construction role perception on library manager. 9. Library directors are of the opinion that on the course that they need most is library information science continuing education should be practical training. 10. Most library directors consider to construct the continuing library and information science education course should be base on online learning or short-term class style. 11. The most appropriate that construct the social culture education should be “Cultural Property in Community” and “Marketing Management”. 12. As for life-long education, most library directors think the “Education of Online-learning”, “Life-long Learning Theory” are most suitable. Based on the results of this study, the researcher propose repetitive suggestions for education authorities, senior high schools, directors of senior high school , library and information science department, or the associated organizations and future research.高中圖書館角色知覺圖書資訊學senior high school libraryrole perceptionlibrary and information science高中圖書館主任角色知覺與圖書資訊學繼續教育之研究A Study on the Role Perception and Continuing Education of Senior High School Library Directors