鄧成連王柏智2019-09-052014-8-62019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001682114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103128全球環境隨著經濟成長導致消費者對於商品價值觀的改變,也漸漸改變了消費型態,企業期望從環境、產品的體驗甚至是服務模式來與消費者產生特別的互動關係,以不同的商業模式來與消費者溝通。隨著商業模式的變化,市場上也出現各種不同類型的概念店,而概念店不只販售商品,同時也販售新概念及新思維,所有概念店設立的最終目標都是為了與消費者產生情感上的連結。過去臺灣經濟發展以製造業為重,隨著全球產業結構、經濟環境、生活型態的更迭,製造業逐漸轉為服務導向,期望透過服務設計來凸顯差異化,創造更高的附加價值。 服務設計結合了不同的專業知識及不同的工具與方法,是一門跨領域的學問,亦是一種新的思維方式。服務設計著重於產品服務系統的整體解決方案,包括商業模式、服務模式、產品平台與使用者介面的一體化設計,透過繪製服務藍圖與發掘接觸點的方式來建構服務流程,藉此創造或改善消費者的使用體驗。企業可透過服務設計來優化銷售空間的價值,並提供消費差異化的服務體驗,進而掌握競爭的致勝關鍵。 目前臺灣鞋業分為自創品牌與代理品牌兩種不同的經營方式,而不論是自創品牌或是代理品牌都必須倚靠銷售空間。臺灣鞋業在經營環境的劇烈變動下,正面臨內銷市場的通路競爭,本研究旨在透過服務設計理論來優化鞋業之銷售空間價值,期能為鞋業零售在臺灣市場創造新的商業模式。 針對鞋業銷售空間之未來發展,本研究建議如下:(1)加強教育訓練;(2)創造主動銷售;(3)統整視覺印象。本研究綜合結論:(1)創作前須做好競爭業者之分析,從失敗及成功的範例中學習;(2)創作前應多方瞭解目標消費者的需求、偏好、習慣等因素;(3)創作時應從視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺及溫度等不同的角度來思考;(4)創作之獨一無二品牌體驗與消費環境須能吸引消費者再次消費;(5)創作之服務流程須能幫助銷售團隊增加成交率;(6)創作之銷售空間須能提升服務品質及效率。The global environment grows with economy and leads to the changes in consumers’ value on products and in turn the patterns of consumption. Businesses are hoping to establish special interactive relationships with the general consumers through environment and experience about products, and trying to communicate with consumers in various business models. As business models evolve, various types of concept store start to emerge in the market. A concept store does not sell just products. New concepts and ideas are sold here as well. All of the concept stores are established for the ultimate purpose to link emotionally with consumers. The economic development in Taiwan focused on manufacturing in the past. However, the manufacturing industry is becoming service-oriented with the evolution of global industrial structure, economic environment and lifestyles, hoping to highlight the differentiation and create better added values through service design. Service design is a combination of professional knowledge, tools and methods, a study involving various disciplines, as well as a new way of thinking. The service design is about the overall solution for a product service system, which is a complete design package consisting of business model, service model, product platform and user interface. The service process is developed by drawing the service roadmap and discovering points of contact, thus creating or improving consumers’ experience of use. A business may optimize the value of its sales space via service design, provide service experience of consumption differentiation, and control the key to win over competitors. The shoe industry in Taiwan is currently running on 2 different business models, self-owned brand and distribution agency. Either way, a sales space is often required. With rapid changes in the business environment, Taiwanese shoe industry is now dealing with the channel competition in the domestic market. This study is intended to optimize the value of sales space for the shoe industry with service design theory, hoping to create a new business model for shoe retailing in Taiwan. For the future development of sales space for shoe industry, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) enhanced training; (2) creation of active selling; and (3) integration of visual impressions. The following conclusions are reached: (1) an analysis on competition shall be performed before conducting any creation and it is necessary to learn from examples of success and failure; (2) it is necessary to have better knowledge of the target consumers’ demands, preferences and habits before creation; (3) think from different angles, such as vision, hearing, touch, smell and temperature, while creating; (4) the unique brand experience and consumption environment that are being created must be able to attract consumers to buy again; (5) the service process created shall improve the percentage of deals made for the sales team; and (6) the sales space created shall improve service quality and efficiency.鞋業產業概念店服務設計體驗Shoe IndustryConcept StoreService DesignExperience鞋業概念店之服務設計研究與創作A Study of Service Design and Creation to the Shoes Concept Store