鍾志從劉百純Liu, Pai-Chwen2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080006011E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110029本研究旨在探討體能活動對幼兒奮力控制的改變。採用準實驗研究設計,探討實驗組與控制組幼兒在前測、後測、後後測的奮力控制表現差異。本研究以105位來自新北市五所托嬰中心的常態班級中滿25-35個月幼兒為研究對象,總共五個常態班級,他們都是新北市機長經抽籤進入就托者。先徵得托嬰中心主任、托育人員、家長同意參與研究後,再選取三所共62位幼兒為實驗組,另二所共43位幼兒為控制組。經考驗,實驗組和控制組在性別、年齡與家庭社經的分配上均具有同質性。本研究由研究者自行編製的體能活動進行實驗介入,實驗組接受八週、每週五天、每天上午30分鐘的主題式體能活動;控制組則進行原來的學習活動。受試幼兒奮力控制能力,則在實驗介入前、實驗介入後、實驗介入後三週,透過「點心延宕遊戲」、「大魚小魚遊戲」、「賽門說任務」和「持續性操作任務」四種測驗得分,來比較實驗組與控制組在奮力控制能力上的差異。本研究發現如下: 一、 體能活動的實驗介入,與控制組幼兒比較,實驗組幼兒奮力控制的提升在「賽門說任務」測驗上具有顯著的立即改變效果。 二、體能活動的實驗介入,實驗結束後三週與控制組幼兒比較,實驗組幼兒奮力控制的提升在「賽門說任務」測驗上仍具有顯著的保 留效果。 三、體能活動的實驗介入,對實驗組幼兒具有顯著的成效。在實驗後以及實驗結束三週後,實驗組幼兒在「賽門說任務」測驗和「持 續性操作任務」測驗上,其奮力控制的表現均顯著優於活動介入前。 四、體能活動的實驗介入,實驗組幼兒的年齡不同,在「大魚小魚遊戲」測驗中奮力控制表現有顯著差異。31-35月齡組的幼兒其奮 力控制表現優於25-30月齡組的幼兒。 五、體能活動的實驗介入,不同性別、家庭社經地位的實驗組幼兒,其奮力控制表現並無顯著差異。The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of physical activity on young children’s ability in effortful control. A quasi-experimental study design was used to explore the differences in the performance of effortful control tasks of young children in the experimental group and the control group. A total of one hundred and five children, aged between twenty-five to thirty-five months old, participated in this study. They were from five normal distribution classes in the five public childcarecenters in New Taipei City. Their parents were residents in New Taipei City who enrolled in centers by draw lots. After obtaining the consents of the public daycare centers, directors, teachers, and parents to participate in the study, sixty-two children from three classes in three public daycare centers were selected as the experimental group, and forty-three of the two classes in the other two public daycare centers were the control groups. After testing, the children in the experimental group and those in the control group were homogeneous in gender, age, and family and social distribution. With the intervention of the physical activity programs, the children in the experimental group received the children’s physical activity compiled by the researcher for eight consecutive weeks, five days per week, and thirty minutes in the morning time every day. The children in the control group carried out the former learning activities. The ability of young children’s effortful control was tested by the "Snack Delay" test, the “Fish Task”, the "Simon Says Task", and the "Continuous Performance Test, CPT " on the pre-test, the post-test, and the three weeks after the post post-test. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Compared with the control group, the experimental intervention of young children's physical activity has a significant effect of immediate change on the "Simon Says Task". 2. Compared with the control group three weeks after the experiment, the improvement of effort control in the experimental group still has a significant retention effect on the "Simon Says Task." 3. The experimental intervention of the children's physical activity had the significant effect on the young children in the experimental group. After the experiment and three weeks after the end of the experimental activity, the young children of the experimental group have better scores on the "Simon Says Task" and the “Continuous Performance Test, CPT" significantly. 4. With the experimental intervention of young children's physical activity, different aged children of the experimental group have had obvious differences in the performance of the effort to control in the "Fish Task". Children in the thirty-one to thirty-five months old group scored higher than those in the twenty-five and thirty months old group. 5. With the experimental intervention of young children's physical activity, genders, family and social economic statuses of the children in the experimental group were not significantly related to their performance in effortful control.幼兒奮力控制體能活動effortful controlphysical activityyoung children體能活動對幼兒奮力控制的影響Effects of Physical Activity on Young Children’s Effortful Control