王永慈 教授盧誼甄2019-08-292009-7-242019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692020139%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92388為瞭解原住民行政機關人員在職進修學習滿意度之相關因素,本研究乃以全省12個原住民行政機關人員為研究對象,再採用個人基本資料表、在職進修動機量表、學習滿意度量表等研究工具,獲取所需資料,再以平均數差異t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,並根據上述研究結果加以討論,針對政府教育相關單位、師資及課程教學、原住民行政機關人員及未來研究四方面,提出建議,期望對後續研究及原住民行政機關人員進修教育有所貢獻,茲分述如下: 一、對政府教育相關單位的建議 1、儘速擴大推動非正規課程認證制度,落實原住民終身教育的理念 2、增列預算,改善現有在職進修學習管道設備、軟硬體資源等,增加行政人員學習意願 3、瞭解各年齡層的學習需求,並與其他相關學習機關相互認證學分,建立多元的進修課程體系 4、建立原住民行政機關人員在職進修資料庫,推動完整在職進修學習體系 二、對在職進修管道師資與課程教學的建議 1、培育師資,建立完善的原住民教育人才資料庫 2、課程規劃與編排應兼顧價值引導與需求取向 3、製作教學教材,並予以數位化與系統化 三、對原住民在職進修行政人員的建議 1、建立同儕學習團體,培養終身學習意識 2、培養原住民行政機關人員資訊素養知能,建立行政機關學習文化Abstract In order to understand the related factors about the learning satisfaction in facul-ties of aboriginal institutes,the study adapt faculties in twelve aboriginal institutes in Taiwan with personal basic information, in-service education motivation evaluating table and degree table of learning satisfaction to get data. Then use Hypothesis Testing for Mean Difference, One Way Analysis of Variance, Pearson's Product momentcor-relation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis to be the data analysis statistics methods. And discuss according to the results above. The study suggests by related institutes, teachers and curriculum for help to further study and aboriginal institutes: I. Suggestions to governmental departments 1、 Push up non-formal curriculum evaluation system as soon as possible to let abo-riginal lifelong learning ideals be authentic. 2、 Add budget to improve the in-service education tunnel, facilities, software and hardware. Improve the willing of learning to faculties. 3、 Understand learning necessities of all ages periods and admit degree with other institutes to establish multiple learning system of in-service education. 4、 Establish the database of faculties in aboriginal institutes and let the in-service education system be more efficient. II. Suggestions to in-service education tunnels of teachers and cur-riculums 1、 Cultivate teachers and establish the human resource database of aboriginal edu-cation. 2、 Curriculum planning and ordering should care about both value-oriented and needs approaches. 3、 Systemize and digitalize teaching resources. III. Suggestions to aboriginal faculties’ in-service education 1、 Establish peer group and cultivate lifelong learning thinking. 2、Cultivate faculties of aboriginal institutes about information literacy and establish the learning culture of institutes.原住民在職進修學習滿意度aboriginal ethicsin-services educationlearning satisfaction原住民行政機關人員在職進修學習滿意度之研究A Study of learning satisfaction for In-services Education of Employees in Aboriginal Executive Institutes