許書瑋陳怡靜Hsu, Ryan shu-WeiChen, Yi-Ching林怡君Lin, Yi-Chun2023-12-082022-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/79db173113ec98172006f45c75e48231/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120493為什麼在職場上,人們往往不會直接說出真心話,而是拐著彎說「場面話」?場面話是一種存在我們的日常互動中意味深長的語言,透過說場面話可以開啟一段關係、影響場面達到自身的目的等。近年「場面話」亦成為報章雜誌熱門的話題,但在場面話的研究卻寥寥可數,甚至對場面話存在正負面的兩極看法。本研究研究職場場域中的場面話,採用半結構訪談法進行質性研究,蒐集整理工作者在關係互動中展現出三種類型分為:主動釋出善意、維持表面和諧、改變現況氛圍,探討工作者說場面話的考量因素,及其對場面的影響。Why do people often say “contexting words” instead of truthful words in communicating with coworkers? One of the reasons why people use contexting words so often is that contexting words help people to establish a good relationship with others in the earlier stage of the relationship development. The idea of contexting words and its impacts has become a hot topic in newspapers and magazines; however, we still lack research focusing on such a critical issue. To fill up this gap, I conducted semi-structured interviews on why people use contexting words in workplaces. The findings suggest three forms of contexting words: extending the olive branch, maintaining harmony, and changing the atmosphere of the situation. The implications are also discussed.場面話虛性和諧面子情境中心關係取向contexting wordsharmonymianzisituation-centerednessguanxi好話說不盡:職場場面話研究Never too Good: A Study of Contexting Words in the Workplaceetd