邱銘心Chiu, Ming-Hsin朱晏廷Chu, Yen-Ting2020-12-142019-11-272020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060515010E%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110168醫療與人們的生活息息相關,醫病互動是構築醫病間良好關係的重要一環,在社群媒體融入人們生活的今日,透過社群媒體所進行的線上醫病互動是促進醫病關係的重要途徑。本研究以醫師所經營之粉絲專頁作為研究對象,透過貼文內容的分析,探討現今醫師透過社群媒體欲達成之目的以及線上醫病互動的現況,藉由社群行銷之表現觀察醫師如何藉由粉絲專頁建立個人品牌形象,並分析病患隱私權對於醫師使用社群媒體的影響。 本研究蒐集20個醫師個人Facebook上總計1000則貼文進行分析,藉由觀察粉絲專頁上所公開之資訊,探討醫師經營粉絲專頁之目的、個人品牌形象的行銷以及社群媒體上的病患隱私權問題。透過研究發現醫師在粉絲專頁的經營主要有傳遞正確醫學知識、衛教宣導以及醫病關係的促進、以及個人品牌形象的行銷三個目的。並且依據分析之結果得出結論:(一)醫師粉絲專頁經營之角色定位介於醫師與公眾人物之間;(二)粉絲專頁可做為彌補現實醫病互動不足之管道;(三)醫師對於個人形象的行銷與一般公眾人物有所差異(四)容易因貼文內容侵犯病患隱私之疑慮造成醫病糾紛,並依據結論給予粉絲專頁經營上的建議:(一)跳脫出傳統醫師角色,注重社群上的內容行銷(二)透過粉絲專頁功能提高醫病間的互動(三)應避免發佈有病患隱私疑慮的貼文內容。Medical is closely related to people's lives. Medical interaction is an important part of creating a good doctor-patient relationship. Today, when social media is integrated into people's lives, online doctor-patient interactions on social media is an important way to promote doctor-patient relationship. This study find out the fan page operated by the doctors. Through the analysis of the content of the post, exploring the object through social media and the status of doctor-patient interaction online. Through social media Marketing to observe how to establish personal brand image by fan page. Analyzing the impact on doctors use social media from patient privacy. This study collects total 1000 posts from 20 doctors’ fan page to analyze. Through observing public information on fan page, exploring the purpose of doctors operate fan page, the marketing of personal brand image, and the patient privacy in social media. It is found that doctors operate fan page has three purposes, transfer correct medical knowledge, health education propaganda and promotion of doctor-patient relationship, marketing personal brand image from research. According to the result, deriving conclusion: (1) The role of doctors’ fan page is between the doctor and the public; (2) Fan page can be used as a conduit to cover the shortage of the actual doctor-patient interaction;(3) Doctor's social marketing of personal brand image is different from the general public figure. (4) It is easy to cause medical disputes due to invasion of patient privacy by post. Finally, making some suggestions form the conclusions: (1) Thinking out of box, focusing on content marketing of social media. (2) Enhance the interaction between doctors and patients by fan page’s function. (3) Avoid the post content violate patient privacy.線上醫病互動社群媒體粉絲專頁病患隱私權內容分析Online Medical InteractionSocial MediaFan PagePatient PrivacyContent Analysis醫師個人FACEBOOK粉絲專頁之醫病互動內容分析研究A Content analysis of Doctor-Patient Interactions on Doctors’ Facebook Fan Page