謝佳玲Hsieh, Chia-Ling孫心雅Suchaya Jina In2024-12-172024-08-072024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/98677cf97c08449616f37264947a70a0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122238過往的文獻都聚焦於特定單一語言的道歉策略或道歉回應策略的研究,少數研究道歉與道歉回應之間的影響。有鑑於此,本文將對比華語母語者和泰籍華語學習者回應不同道歉策略的表現,並檢視社會地位因素對道歉回應策略的影響,以及華泰兩方的文化異同,最後將結果應用於華語教學中。本研究透過語篇補全測試的方式蒐集華語母語者與泰籍學習者的語料。本研究收回201份有效問卷。透過語料分析,本研究歸納為接受策略、拒絕策略和迴避策略三種主策略,內含19種次策略。研究結果顯示,在回應不同道歉策略時,兩組受試者最能接受或最易於原諒的道歉策略為「表達歉意」、「提供補償」、「關心聽者」三種,而回應時則偏好使用「接受道歉」、「減輕冒犯」等策略。該現象展示了華泰文化的相似性,例如具有尊敬他人、對他人關心和熱情的態度、儘量增加他人的利益等特點。此外,兩組受試者在面對社會地位高的對象時常用表明接受對方的策略來回應;而在面對社會地位相同的對象時則採用更多不顧及對方情面的拒絕策略或迴避策略來表達自己的回應。根據研究結果,本文旨在提供符合泰籍華語學習者在道歉與道歉回應之間的教學建議、提高學生的語用功能、令泰籍學習者在面對社會地位高或相同時能使用適當的道歉回應策略,並藉此提高學習者的應對,使之能更順利使用貼近中華文文化的禮貌用語。Past literature primarily focused on the apology strategies or apology response (AR) strategies of individual languages. However, few studies examined the interaction between apology and apology response performed by native speakers and language learners, and the impact of social status on apology response. Therefore, this study compares the performance of Native Chinese Speakers and Thai Chinese Learners in responding to different apology strategies, explores the impact of social status on AR strategies, and examines the cultural differences and similarities between the two groups. The findings are then applied to practical Chinese language teaching.This research collected data through survey-based Discourse Completion Task from Native Chinese Speakers and Thai Chinese Learners, with a total of 201 valid responses. The analysis identified three primary strategies: acceptance, rejection, and avoidance, encompassing 20 secondary strategies. The results indicate that both groups found the apology strategies of expressing regret, offering compensation, and showing concern for the hearer to be the most acceptable or easiest to forgive. When engaged in responding to others’ apologies, participants preferred AR strategies such as accepting the apology and minimizing the offense. These findings highlight cultural traits shared by Chinese and Thai cultures, such as respect for others, caring, and a willingness to maximize others’ benefits. Moreover, both groups tended to maintain politeness when dealing with individuals of higher social status, often using acceptance strategies. In comparison, when interacting with peers of equal social status, they employed a wider range of strategies, including more “face”-threatening rejection or avoidance strategies.Based on these findings, the study provides pedagogical suggestions for teaching Thai Chinese Learners to enhance their pragmatic abilities. This includes using appropriate AR strategies when interacting with individuals of higher or equal social status, aiming to help learners smoothly adopt polite expressions that align with Chinese cultural norms.道歉道歉回應語用策略泰籍學習者華語教學apologyapology responsepragmatic strategyThai Chinese learnerChinese teaching華語道歉回應策略──母語者與泰籍學習者之語用對比及教學應用Chinese Apology Response Strategies: A Pragmatic Comparison between Native Speakers and Thai Learners and Its Pedagogical Application學術論文