杞昭安CHI, Chao-An李芳章Lee, Fang-Jang2019-08-282016-09-052019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0500091313%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91390中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解南投縣國中教師對低成就學生實施補救教學方案現況之研究,是以南投縣屬公立31所國民中學參與補救教學教師為調查對象,以自編之「南投縣國中教師對低成就學生實施補救教學方案現況之研究」為問卷工具,回收率89%,以次數分配、百分比、平均數統計數據為分析內容。研究結果概述如下: 一、師資背景與學校概況 師資以女性教師居多,40歲以下為教學主力,學歷40%以上為研r究所畢業,以職務而言,擔任行政教師居多,師資學經歷豐富。學生 安置以5-10人居多,以每上課時間以週一至週五下午第八節為主,特 殊學生以資源班增加節數為主,另開專班為輔,教材以自編為主。 二、補救教學目的與現況 教師對於補救教學目的、原則、清楚了解,能掌握低成就學生學習 狀況,落實個別化,多元化之教學與評量。 三、補救教學困境 教師面臨學生不同起點能力、偏差行為、教材蒐集編製不易、學習動機不足等困境,平均有42%的教師對此有點困擾,38%的教師沒有 困擾。低成就學生學業上差異甚大,如何編製適才,適性之教材與規劃,對教師是一大考驗。 四、困境因應方式 面臨教學困境教師如何處置?自行處置有50.26%,尋求協助有 44% 自行處置,其是參加研習、蒐集資料找出解決方法,尋求 協助是教師向專學者家或資深教師請益。共有94.26%的教師自 行處置或尋求協助,由此可知,教師依職責自行解決所面臨的 困境。 以上四點為研究結論焦點,以為推行補救教學方案之參考。The Research of the Remedial Teaching Program Implementation Status for Low-Achieving Students In Nantou County Junior High School Teachers Lee, Fang-Jang Abstract This study aims to understand current status of Nantou County’s junior high school teachers’ remedial teaching program for low-achieving students. This research is based on the survey of remedial education teachers in 31 public junior high schools in Nantou county using a standard questionnaire. With a response rate of 89%, the analyses focus on frequency distribution, percentage, average statistics. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Background of teachers and schools Most teachers are female, under the age of 40, and 40% of them have graduate degrees. Primarily these are teachers with administrative duties with extensive teaching experiences. Students are mostly in groups of 5 to 10 persons. The class is usually held in the eighth section in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. Students with special needs attend additional resource classes or bespoke designed classes if required. Lesson materials are mostly self-designed. 2. The purpose and status of remedial teaching Remedial teachers have clear understanding of teaching purposes& principles. Teachers have clear understanding of the learning status of low-achieving students. Teachers are able to implement of diverse and individualized teaching method and assessment. 3. The dilemma of remedial teaching Common issues teachers face include: the uneven initial abilities, deviant behaviors, difficulties in material collection and preparation, and lack of motivation from students and so on. 42% of teachers agree they face the above issues. 38% of them do not have such worries. How to prepare the suitable teaching material for those low-achieving students is one of the biggest challenges. 4. The solution of the current dilemma How do teachers deal with those dilemma ? 50.26% look for solution by themselves through getting advice from specialist and experienced teachers. 44% of them will look to the outside through attending seminars, and collecting related material. Combined, it means a total of 94.26% of the teachers look for solution via the above two main channels. Therefore, teachers need to solve these difficulties without external support system. Those four points are the main findings in this research which could serve as a reference point for implementation of the remedial teaching program.低成就補救教學學習障礙偏遠國中教育機會均等Remedial TeachingRural junior high schoolEquality of Educational Opportunity南投縣國中教師對低成就學生實施補救教學方案現況之研究The Research of the Remedial Teaching Program Implementation Status for Low-Achieving Students In Nantou County Junior High School Teachers