賴慧文陳彥君Lai, Whuei-WenChen, Yuan-Ze鄭智文Cheng, Chih-Win2024-12-172024-06-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/51693fa99dcbe38d776460e2db623422/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122858在目前房地產市場持續上揚的背景下,購買房產為大眾熱衷的投資方式之一。購買房產的過程中,大多數的消費者皆透過向銀行申請房屋貸款來進行。這樣的方式雖然方便,但也有一些風險。假使貸款人因突發事件無法繼續償還房貸時,負擔往往會轉嫁至其他家庭成員身上,無法負擔時甚至導致房產遭到法拍。為減輕這類風險,銀行發展出房貸壽險商品,其目的在於分散個人所承擔的財務風險,避免因貸款人不幸身故而令家庭背負沉重經濟負擔。然而,這樣風險轉移的概念在國內尚未普及,大眾對於房貸壽險的購買意願也普遍不高。本研究主要在探討房貸壽險認知、銀行品牌形象與服務品質與房貸壽險購買意願間的關聯性,並且以產品知識作為本研究之控制變項,了解前述三項變項對購買意願真正之影響力。本研究以便利取樣之方式收集404份問卷,研究結果顯示:(1)房貸壽險認知對購買意願有正向影響,特別是在子構面中的意義認知與認同認知有顯著的正向影響;(2)銀行品牌形象對購買意願有正向影響,尤其是在提供服務、企業印象和服務人員這些子構面上有顯著的正向影響;(3)服務品質對購買意願有正向影響,特別是服務態度與專業知識這兩個子構面有顯著的正向影響;(4)在扣除掉產品知識的影響後,房貸壽險認知與服務品質對購買意願有正向影響,其中服務品質的影響力大於房貸壽險認知。本研究結果期能作為銀行推行房貸壽險時之參考,除了教育大眾房貸壽險專業的概念外,行員對於房貸壽險商品服務品質的提升,乃是最值得投入之處。In the context of the continuously rising real estate market, purchasing property has become one of the popular investment methods among the public. Most consumers opt to apply for a mortgage loan from banks during the process of buying real estates. While this method is convenient, it also carries certain risks. If the borrower is unable to continue repaying the mortgage due to unforeseen events, the burden often shifts to other family members, potentially leading to foreclosure if they cannot bear the financial load. To mitigate such risks, banks have developed mortgage life insurance products aimed at distributing the financial risks borne by individuals, thereby preventing families from facing severe economic burdens in the event of the borrower's untimely death. However, the concept of risk transfer through mortgage life insurance is not yet widespread in Taiwan, and the general public's willingness to purchase such insurance remains relatively low. This study primarily investigates the inpacts of mortgage life insurance awareness, bank brand image, and service quality on the willingness to purchase mortgage life insurance. Product knowledge is used as a control variable in this study to understand the true influence of the aforementioned three variables on purchase intention. A total of 404 questionnaires were collected using convenience sampling. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) Mortgage Life Insurance Awareness: There is a positive influence on purchase intention, particularly in the sub-dimensions of perceived meaning and perceived identification, which show significant positive impacts. (2) Bank Brand Image: There is a positive influence on purchase intention, especially in the sub-dimensions of service provision, corporate impression, and service personnel, which show significant positive impacts. (3) Service Quality: There is a positive influence on purchase intention, especially in the sub-dimensions of service attitude and professional knowledge, which show significant positive impacts. (4) Control for Product Knowledge: After controlling for the effect of product knowledge, mortgage life insurance awareness and service quality continue to have a positive impact on purchase intention, with service quality having a greater influence than mortgage life insurance awareness. The findings of this study are intended to serve as a reference for banks in promoting mortgage life insurance. In addition to educating the public on the professional concepts of mortgage life insurance, improving the service quality of bank staffs regarding these products is deemed the most worthwhile area for banks.房貸壽險認知銀行品牌形象服務品質購買意願Mortgage Life Insurance AwarenessBank Brand ImageService QualityMortgage Life Insurance Purchase Intention消費者認知、銀行品牌形象、行員服務品質對房貸壽險購買意願之影響The Impact of Consumer’s Cognition, Bank Brand Image, and Service Quality on the Consumer Purchase Decision of Mortgage Life Insurance學術論文