鄔佩麗Wu, Pei-Li周珮琪Chou, Pei-Chi2019-08-282016-08-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001012103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90386本研究從研究者的實務出發,企圖對輟學離家少女之問題成因有所探討。 研究者採用Murray Bowen的自我分化觀點來了解受訪者與家人之關係,過程中以敘事研究為研究方法,先以整體-內容方式分析訪談稿,呈現整體的生命故事;接著以類別-內容方式進行內容分析,進而了解三位受訪者自我分化的情形與輟學離家的關係。 研究結果顯示,自我分化情形與早期生命經驗相關。整理如下:(1)受訪者童年階段若未能與父母建立良善的互動關係,對受訪者的人際關係造成影響;(2)受訪者與家人在緊張的互動關係中,彼此的心理情緒未能受到照顧,使受訪者缺乏情緒表達能力;(3)當外在環境提供支持而形成拉力,或是因家庭支持不足而形成推力,受訪者逐漸和家人形成疏離現象,甚至產生家庭衝突,以輟學離家為解決問題之途徑。 本研究指出,輟學離家少女面臨單親、隔代教養的家庭結構,以及家庭暴力、遺棄等議題,受訪者亦有藥物濫用、不當親密行為、未成年懷孕等問題。然而,輟學離家是危機也是轉機,受訪者和家人將能重新開始重塑彼此的關係。本研究對學校輔導工作提出建言,以系統合作的概念,來找回中輟生,讓輟學少女逐步找到屬於自己的天空。By using narrative approach, this study aimed to explore and understand three girls’ experiences, and the text scripts were analyzed with holistic-content and categorical-content model for different purposes. The results suggest that the self-differentiation related to early life experiences. More specifically, the failure of establishing positive interaction with parents would influence the interviewees’ interpersonal relationships. Moreover, the lack of attention to their emotions in the tense relationships with their families would impact the interviewees’ abilities to express emotions. Besides, the dropout and runaway from home might be the consequence of getting more supports from the outside environments and not getting enough supports from their own families. To sum up, this study shows that the girls who dropped out of school and ran away from their families are faced with lots of problems, including atypical family structures, domestic violence, drug abuse, inappropriate sexual behaviors, pregnancy, and so on. However, the dropout and runaway can both be a crisis and a turning point at the same time. Apparently, the interviewees might have the chances to rebuild their relationships with their families if they got help from the professional helpers. For the school counselors, this study offers a perspective of cross-systematic collaboration to help the students in need.自我分化輟學離家敘事研究self-differentiationdrop outrun away from homenarrative study折翼與單飛:輟學離家少女自我分化之敘事研究Broken wings and solo flight:seif-differentiation of girls who drop out and run away from home-a Narrative study