蕭中強Hsiao, Chung-Chiang蔡昀泓Tsai, Yun-hung2023-12-082022-09-282023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c445b0f62f373a33b3581a4092bbe737/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120035noneThe author proposes a set of mathematical equations attempting to simulate perceptual assimilation and contrast, which has rarely been quantitatively studied. The author bases the equations on the model of dimensional range overlap, which is the most integrative model available now. Underlying the model is the assumption of various concepts possibly describing a given object which is being evaluated, with differing salience on a dimension, which may be compared to the possible outcomes of a random variable. The author investigates the roles of the location (extremity), scale (ambiguity), skewness, peak and tail behaviour of the distribution of concepts in shifting the best representation of the given object. In addition to the distribution characteristics, the author introduces evaluative volatility, cognitive consumption, and attention to dissimilarities to the discussion.By means of the equations, the author is hoping to allow for clearer academic communication, and more accurate predictions of people’s perception after their exposure to contexts. The author urges future scholars to devise more sophisticated psychological measurement methods and tools, so as to empirically test the equations.noneassimilationcontrastcontext effectsthe dimensional range overlap model以量化建模詮釋維度範圍重疊模型A Tentative Mathematical Interpretation of the Dimensional Range Overlap Modaletd