李勤岸LI,CHIN-AN江淑淨CHIANG, SHU-CHING2019-08-292009-7-272019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095262119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93203日本殖民下台灣和韓國國語政策比較 摘要 台灣和韓國都曾歷經日本帝國的殖民統治,日本帝國統治殖民地的政策就是要將殖民地的人民同化成忠貞皇民,供其驅使,研究其國語政策,了解日本帝國國語政策的本質是同化教育,借此袪除威權語言政策所遺留的烙印,樹立台灣本土語言的主體性。 本論文用比較研究的方法,描述日本殖民政策的理論和推行,分別解釋殖民地台灣和朝鮮國語政策推行的經過和影響,再比較兩殖民地國語政策的異同。其目的是要讓台灣本土語言能夠自由地發揮多采多姿的台灣文化特色。 台灣和韓國各自具有其語言、歷史和文化,是不同的民族,比較日本對台灣和韓國的國語政策,及台灣和韓國兩地人民的反應,以確立民族對自己本土語言的肯定和維護,使其超然於國家的國語政策之上。 關鍵詞:帝國主義、殖民論述、日本殖民、國語政策、語言計劃A Comparison in the Policy of Official Language between Taiwan and Korea under Japanese Colonization Abstract Taiwan and Korea both were once under Japanese colonial rule, and Japan’s rule policy to their colonies is to assimilate colonial people into those being loyal and steadfast tothe imperialist Japan in order to enslave them for any purpose. Through this study on the policy of official language of imperialist Japan, we realized that the fundamental purpose of implementing the policy of official language by imperialist Japan was mainly on assimilating colonial people through education, which may help us to eliminate the negative impression made by the authority’s language policy, and further establish Taiwan’s own subjectivity of local language. By adopting comparison method, this paper is to first describe the theory and implementation of Japanese colonial policy, then to interpret the process and impact of respectively developing the policy of official language in Taiwan and Korea under Japanese colonization, and eventually to make a difference comparison of the policy of official language between both colonies. Its main purpose is intended to highlight Taiwan’s diversified cultural characteristics through widely and unlimitedly using its local language. Taiwan and Korea are very different nations who have their own language, historical and cultural background. Thus this paper is finally intended to make a comparison of the policy of official language in Taiwan and Korea under Japanese colonization implemented by the imperialist Japan, and the response from their individual people in order to affirmatively conclude that each nation shall stick up for and have a positive inclining to its own local language and keep it detached and independent from the language policy of a country. Key words: Imperialism, colonial discourse, Japanese colonization, official language policy, language planning帝國主義殖民論述日本殖民國語政策語言計劃Imperialismcolonial discourseJapanese colonizationofficial language policylanguage planning日本殖民下台灣和韓國國語政策比較A Comparison in the Policy of Official Language between Taiwan and Korea under Japanese Colonization