蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan吳東祐Wu, Tung-Yu2019-08-292017-03-012019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060123020L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94089摘要   嘉蘭村在八八風災後藉由部落內部行動者與外部行動者共同重建形成目前所見之災後地景。本研究以結構-能動性理論與後鄉村共同建立理論架構,成為分析觀點,進而以原住民在地脈絡去補足理論,豐富嘉蘭村災後地景建構之內涵。 本研究將嘉蘭村災後地景視為複雜災後交互作用用,社會再生產的結果,檢視部落如何應對不同的外來行動者,以權力地景,文化地景與部落主體性去建構嘉蘭村災後重建地景之內涵。   雖可用結構-能動性理論界定其影響,權力的形式與如何形塑空間,但也以部落主體性的觀點反思在地部落的需求,土地權,生活權與生活方式是否適用現代化,單一框架,不具有在地性的觀點與治理方式。 藉由凸顯當代治理,發展,漢人文化的觀點與非原住民之外來者檢視部落觀點的偏狹與矛盾進而形成嘉蘭村地景意義建構的複雜機制。   另外,嘉蘭村可藉由排灣族傳統文化,生活方式,社會規範與互助文化與多元的社會組織,再輔予外部行動者的協助(公部門,資本,NGO),也形成了跨區域合作之新關係空間,在以部落主導搭配外部協助且收入利於部落的關係迴路下,確保部落在發展農業與觀光業獲利,將形成為嘉蘭村鄉村發展(農業,觀光與手工藝)的機會,使嘉蘭村災後地景多元化,且在文化,經濟,社會面上皆可發展,進而重新建構嘉蘭村的空間秩序。 關鍵字:嘉蘭村,結構-能動性,災後地景Abstract Ka-aluwan village, Taitung county, suffering from typhoon Morakot in 2009, It was under the long-term reconstruction including the village, Paiwan culture and the development of the village. It was a complicated relationship between the insider(villager or indigenous perspective) and the outsider(NGOs, government and the capital). It took long time to shape the landscape after typhoon Morakot since 2009. Although the structuration theory could be the essential influence framework in whole research, such as the form of power and the space construction; however, it also emphasizes indigenous perspective and tribal subjectivity to reflect the needs of indigenous tribes or Ka-aluwan village, moreover, to rethink the land use, the daily life , and the lifestyles of villagers are suitable for modern society, homogenization, and the ways, perspectives of the governance which are not localized. By featuring the governance, development, the perspectives of Han's culture and non- indigenous people to inspect the landscape of tribes are inappropriate, then it further forms the complications of the landscape construction in Ka-aluwan village after typhoon Morakot. Furthermore, Ka-aluwan village established the cross region and new relationships between different areas by traditional Paiwan culture, lifestyles, social norms, cross-border cooperation, NGOs, also with the helps from outside actors such as government, capital, and NGOs. Moreover, By the social relationships (Ka-aluwan village leads the development) and the development strategies of tourism and the development in Ka-aluwan village after typhoon Morakot ,it ensure the profit comes to Ka-aluwan village. It will be the chance of Ka-aluwan village's development such as agriculture, tourism, handicrafts, and can form the diversity of landscapes in the village, culture(Paiwan), economics, society can be all developed, then reconstruct the spatial orders in Ka-aluwan village. Key words: Ka-aluwan village, structuration theory, landscape after typhoon Morakot嘉蘭村結構-能動性災後地景Ka-aluwan villageStructuration theorylandscape after typhoon Morakot台東縣金峰鄉嘉蘭村災後地景建構研究