王玉珍盧亭卉Lu, Ting-Hui2020-10-192024-08-222020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004012115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110270本研究旨在探討臨床獸醫師工作困境與適應,本研究邀請三位執業年資五年以上、十年以下的臨床獸醫師作為研究參與者,以半結構訪談進行資料搜集,透過敘事研究的方法了解臨床獸醫師之生涯選擇、工作困境與工作適應的經驗,並深入探究這些經驗的形成原因與脈絡及其對臨床獸醫師的生涯的影響與意義。 研究結果發現三位參與者本懷抱著明確的志向投身臨床獸醫之職場,然實際執業後仍須面對由個人面向、工作環境及大環境交互影響而形成的工作困境,最後參與者運用內在和外在的適應資源渡過工作上的困境。研究結果如下:(一)研究參與者之生涯發展,大致可分為四個階段:(1)進入大學前時期的「興趣探索、志向建立階段」、(2)就讀大學時期的「養成教育的培育訓練和生涯決定階段」、(3)執業前期的「磨練累積的打底階段」及(4)執業後期的「成熟穩定與創造階段」;(二)研究參與者在青少年期便立定成為獸醫師之志向,且大多都有喜愛動物的特質和飼養寵物的經驗;(三)研究參與者面臨的工作困境可分為四個面向,包括獸醫臨床醫療專業、勞動環境、職場人際關係與溝通及個人面向;(四)研究參與者之工作適應資源依其來源可分為個人資源、工作環境資源及外部資源,並以「讓自己轉念」和「改變行為和所處環境」的自我調適方式,幫助自己達致良好工作適應。 最後,根據研究結果,提出實務工作上與未來研究方向的建議。This study aims to explore the work predicament and adjustment of veterinarians in practice. Narrative research methods have been applied in this study to understand the career choices, work predicament and work adjustment experiences of veterinarians in practice, also to explore the causes, influences and meaning of these experiences. This study invited three veterinarians in practice who have been practicing for between five to ten years as research participants and collected data by semi-structured interviews. The researcher found that the three research participants have been dedicated to their career with a clear ambition. Even so, they still faced work predicament formed by several objectives cross-references from personal orientation, work environment and context. The three participants used internal and external adjustment resources to overcome those difficulties and try to be the best veterinarian in practice they can be. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The career development of the participants can be roughly divided into four stages. In stage I, the participants explored interest before going to university. In stage II, the participants got professional trained in vet school and decided their career path. In stage III, the participants got experience in practice by practicing. In stage IV, the participants became a skillful veterinarian; (2) The participants set up their goals to be a veterinarian in adolescence, and demonstrate love for animals, some even have pet-raising experience; (3) The work predicament faced by the participants can be divided into four dimensions, including veterinary medical profession, work environment, workplace interpersonal relationships and communication, and personal orientation; (4) The work adjustment resources for the participants can be divided into personal resources, working environment resources and external resources according to the sources; in addition, self-adjustment of "changing thoughts" and "changing behavior and environment" can help with work adjustment. In the end, this study proposed suggestions for practical work and future research directions based on the research results.工作困境工作適應臨床獸醫師Veterinarian in practiceWork PredicamentWork Adjustment臨床獸醫師工作困境與適應之研究A Study of Work Predicament and Work Adjustment of Veterinarian in Practice