梁一萍老師2015-06-292010-022015-06-292013-03-29http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/67297The course aims to introduce to students some of the most commonly discussed while controversail topics in the United States. In this class, we will deal with some demanding subjects such as dating, marriage and cultural ideas of beauty. These topics are'nt chosen to shock students, but give them a chance to think about the matters we talk in everyday life but avoid in classroom. We hope to facilitate students to become critical learners, not just sit in the classroom and listen to teacher's lecture without thinking.課程投影片CNS LOMLOM v1.0SCORM_CAM_v1.3影音課程 講義課程zh-TWDepartmentEnglish語言學總論應用英文