葉耀明楊靖山Ching-Shan Yang2019-09-052015-7-52019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697470212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106779 隨著電腦的普及化,人們越來越依靠在網路上所能獲得的資訊。一般網站像拍賣網頁、部落格或網路廣告都使用點擊數統計的機制,來做使用者到站統計。但是除了統計點擊數之外,很少提供其他有幫助的瀏覽資訊,例如歸納使用者瀏覽行為或是分析網站熱門資訊的架構等,未能充分發揮網頁瀏覽資料分析之功能。 本研究整合了Google Analytics與主題概念圖兩項技術:其中Google Analytics,是一種由Google提供免費服務,其可以生成訪客到網站的詳細統計資料,這是目前最廣泛使用的網站統計服務;主題概念圖是源自Topic Maps,可用來表示知識概念間之結構。我們以數位知識網站為基礎,依Google Analytics的技術特性視為跨使用者的全域分析;另外針對單一使用者的行為作記錄,視為本地分析;最後再結合可縮放向量圖形(Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG)技術,開發出著重在知識架構上的主題概念圖。此外,本研究經由分析使用者行為,發展出以網頁之間的流向為基礎的「瀏覽路徑」概念,並進而透過圖像化的呈現,給使用者更具體地了解網站的知識架構,對於網頁的瀏覽更有概念。對於內容建立者而言,其也可以針對使用者的需求來適度調整內容與架構,使網站漸臻完善。 With the popularity of the Internet, people usually get useful information from Web sites. Most Web sites usually embed hit count function to record the number of visitors. Which is commonly use on online auction, blogs, and even Internet advertising. However to record the number of visitors can not fully provide useful information for user surfing behavior. This research integrates two technologies, include Google Analytics and Topic concept maps. Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google. It can make a detailed statistics of the relationship between users and the Web site. Topic concept maps is from Topic Maps. It presents the structure of knowledge. Here we use two analytic techniques in our Web site. First, we call Google Analytics as global view analysis. Second, we trace the behavior for a single user as local view analysis. And then, we combine SVG technique to build graphics of topic concept. Furthermore, we develop surfing paths based on the statistic information. Through the graphical presentation, user can understand more information from the topic structure of the Web site. On the other hand, the Webmaster can adjust content according to the collected user requirement information.Google Analytics主題概念圖瀏覽路徑Google AnalyticsTopic concept mapsSurfing paths以Google Analytics與主題概念圖分析使用者瀏覽行為之研究Research on Analyzing Users Surfing Behavior by Google Analytics and Topic Maps