林達隆邱顯源Chiu, Hsien-Yuan2022-06-072026-02-222022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bdf681ba20d7f855ac09aab767a238f6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116432經驗總是來至於對事物的認識與了解,而事物對我們而言也是感知的意向(Intentionality)來源,在藝術創作的行為中,經驗與感知是真實與藝術之間跨維度與變像的關鍵要素,然而隨著實踐技術與工具的創新,藝術也從傳統逐漸過渡到數位的時代,因此研究一開始著重點,將試圖從哲學與美學的角度探討「物」的意識、感知與存在等等本質問題,並從中分析人、物與世界三者之間的藝術現象與實踐關係,接著研究角度將轉向影像中「物」的修辭與表現探討,透過上述學理研究的基礎建構,將有助於後續藝術實踐的探討,使論述能有連貫與完整的邏輯性。 而有關技術實踐部分,探討焦點將以3D數位技術為核心,並從技術本質與原理做為分析起點,首先在探討技術本質部分,內容包含技術的虛擬性、生成美學、幾何空間等面向研究,在探討技術原理部分,包含數位物件的網格編修、拓樸演變、變像技巧等內容分析,而過程中將適時搭配圖示的輔助說明,來解說技術運用於實踐上的重要觀念,最終再透過分析個人作品過程,將本文中的學理與技術的探討進行聚合與辯證。期盼透過本次的研究與實踐的目的,除了作為自身創作的反思與檢視之外,內容也能成為從事3D數位藝術創作與研究者的參考基礎。 由於本次研究特性屬於創作理論為主,因此在研究方法上,將採用藝術本位研究(arts-based research,以下簡稱ABR)的方法,以創作實踐為基礎,透過文獻研究、案例分析與創作實踐三個面向進行資料的探討與現象的分析,來逐步完成本次論文研究的整體架構。Experience always comes from the understanding and comprehension of things; things, however, represent for us the sources of perceived intentionality. In the artistic creation, experience and perception are key elements for the transdimension and transformation between reality and arts. However, with the innovation of technology and tools, art comes to the digital epoch from the tradition. Hence, the focus of the study attempts to discuss the issues such as consciousness, perception, and being of “things” from philosophy and aesthetics. From the above issues, the study examines the relations of the artistic phenomenon and practice amid the humans, things, and the world. Then, the study shifts to the discussion on the rhetoric and expression of"things" in images. The above theoretical foundations will be helpful for the follow-up discussion on artistic practice, making the discussion more coherently and concretely logical. In the discussion of technical practice, the study paper explores the 3D digital technology from the technological essence and principle as the starting point for discussion. First, the study examines the technical essence, including the virtuality, becoming aesthetics, and geometric space for research; the study examines the technical principle, including the mesh editing of digital objects, topological evolution, transfiguration skills. Meanwhile, the study will timely offer auxiliary instructions in order to illustrate important concepts of techniques used in practice. Finally, through the analysis of individual work process, the study will converge and debate the theory and technology of the paper. It is expected through the purpose of this study and practice, the individual work can serve not only as a reflection and review, but also as a reference for 3D digital artists and researchers. As the focus of the study is devoted mainly to artworks, the study uses ABR (arts-based research) as the methodology based on the artistic practice. Also, through literature research, case analysis and artwork practice, the study embarks on the material discussion and phenomenon analysis in order to build the framework of the study.3D電腦繪圖現象學影像修辭網格與拓樸數位藝術3D computer graphicsphenomenologyimage rhetoricmesh and topologydigital art「物」的跨維度意識:從3D到2D的變像研究Transdimensional Consciousness of Things - A Study of Transfiguration of Image from 3D to 2D