連清吉Sei-Kichi Ren2019-08-122019-08-122016-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82354文獻的語言不僅是傳達事實的媒介,所有的語言皆有述作者的存在,審慎考察文字的訓詁,探究追尋述作者於傳達事實之際的心理,是「讀書之學」的方法。旁徴博引的基礎在於博學,而其究極則在於旁通文獻的記載,以闡明述作者著述立說的用心所在。亦即以古典文獻為素材而從事「人間」(human)的研究,是博學的終極。解讀記載語言的表象義蘊,窮究述作者的述作心理與意象世界,是吉川幸次郎的中國文學詮釋方法論。The language used in documented literature is a medium for transmitting facts; and within this language lives the author. Careful examination to the gloss of the wordings reveals the underlying intention of the author and his transmission of facts. This is the methodology to "the study of learning". The fundamental basis to an extensive web of citations lies in the erudition of the author and his ability to cross reference and support his narratives. In other words, the ultimate goal to eruditeness is to use classic literature in worldly research. Deciphering the surface connotation of recorded language to explore the author's writing intention and construct is Yoshikawa Kojiro's hermeneutic approach to classical Chinese literature.讀書之學「言-事-心」杜詩創始求是心印無雷同發明Study of learning"Words-facts-intention"Creations in Du Fu's poetriesSeeking of truthGaining of knowledgeNo resemblanceInventiveness吉川幸次郎的中國古典文學詮釋方法論Hermeneutic Approach of Yoshikawa Kojiro to Classical Chinese Literature