洪美齡黃雯雯王文景2014-10-272014-10-272010-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15592本論文旨在探討大學一、二年級醫藥學生經由修習「資訊素養與主題探索」通識課程,所增長的資訊蒐集、使用、統整以及轉化成書面寫作等能力。研究發現大致如下:壹、學生進入大學前大多缺乏主題探索的學習經驗,在修課前將統整各種多元的資訊以撰寫一篇研究報告列為資訊素養課程內容的首要選項;修課後調查發現學生對於使用圖書館方法的重視程度有所提升。貳、學生提升的資訊素養能力,包括能經由概念圖來聚焦主題範圍、使用資料的類型較為多元,不再受限網路、資料搜尋的策略較有創意以及能適當運用圖像、媒體等資源於口頭與書面報告等。參、影響學生資訊素養學習成效的相關因素,包括個別學生的學習意願、修課人數與小組的合作關係以及善用與教學者對話的管道等。The main purpose of this paper was to in-vestigate the first two years’ medical stu-dents’ enhanced abilities regarding collecting, using, integrating information and transform-ing into written paper through taking the general education course titled” Information Literacy and Interdisciplinary Studies”. Three major findings in this study are: (1) Lacking the experience of interdisciplinary studies before entering the university, students had listed integrating diverse information into research paper as the top one item of learning content at the beginning of the course. Most of the students have attached more im-portance to the ability regarding the method of utilizing the library resources after completing their studies. (2) The enhanced abilities of students’ information literacy included: Using the concept mapping method to focus the research topic, having the intention to use diverse pattern of information, not only through the Internet, having more creative idea to try different searching strategies, and having the intention to integrate the appropriate visual or media resource to their oral and final written reports. (3) There were three factors that influence the learning outcomes. These factors included individual student’s intention of learning, the relationship between student population and collaboration, and the interaction frequency with the instructors through diverse dialogue channels.醫藥學生資訊素養通識課程Big6 模式Medical StudentsInformation Literacythe Curriculum of General EducationBig6 Model醫藥學生資訊素養學習歷程之研究Medical Students' Learning Process of Information Literacy