林素惠LIN, Su-hui施秀燁SHIH, Hsiu Yeh2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698720119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99814臺灣花布五、六十年來一直帶給臺灣民眾親切的意象,不僅僅是臺灣的一種在地文化,更代表著臺灣傳統的樸實,儼然成為精神文化和生活型態結合的象徵。   近年來復古懷舊風盛行,花布意象之呈現已經不單單只出現在人們生活中的布質用品上,而更與建築,餐具用品甚至西方文明產物相結合。臺灣花布已成為臺灣人意義深遠的代表符徵,即使隨著時代的流逝仍舊屹立不動。從中也可以發現,臺灣花布的呈現方式,已經不只是生活物品的應用,甚至利用多元的媒介,重新傳達其臺灣在地文化的意象。 本論文首先透過文獻之蒐集,了解花布起源脈絡、探討相關文化圖像傳播理論以及臺灣花布相關文本的檢視;探討當代藝術家對它多元運用與呈現,來認識臺灣花布不同之傳播途徑;同時從文創產業發展歷程來論述花布的發展與推廣現況。接著結合深度訪談的運用,印證臺灣花布傳播之多元性與國內當前研究發展的狀況,以補足文獻分析結果之不足。最後將資料彙整,希望能清楚呈現臺灣花布創新傳佈型態以及不同層次之傳播效應與民眾生活的關係,期盼本論文研究結果可以作為後續研究及文化創意產業發展行銷之參考。With a warm feeling to Taiwanese all the times for more then 50-60 years, Taiwanese printed cloth not only has become a local culture of Taiwan, but also represents the simplicity of Taiwanese traditional art seeming feature the integration of spiritual culture and life style. The retro nostalgic style has been quite popular over recent years; the image of printed cloth is no longer merely being applied to textile materials, but even being combined with the arts of architecture, silverware, and other products of Western civilization. Taiwanese printed cloth has been symbolized as a meaningful, profound feature to Taiwanese where the significance could not be easily challenged by time, i.e., the presentation of Taiwanese printed cloth is not just being applied to household goods, but an imagery of the localized culture in Taiwan presented by diverse media. Through literature review, this study, first of all, aims at discovering the origins of Taiwanese printed cloth, exploring related communication theories of cultural pictures, examining diverse applications and presentations about Taiwanese printed cloth by contemporary artists, understanding various channels of passing on the beauty of Taiwanese printed cloth, and analyzing the current development and latest promotions on Taiwanese printed cloth from the developmental process of the culture and creative industry. Second, in conjunction with the use of in-depth interviews, this study identifies the communication diversity and the currently developmental situation in Taiwanese printed cloth to strengthen the weakness of previous research. Lastly, this study categorizes data in order to clearly show the diffusion of innovations in Taiwanese printed cloth as well as the relationship between the effect of multi-level communications and people’s lives. Final results are given for future research particularly in the marketing and development of the culture and creative industry.臺灣花布文化圖像傳播文化創意產業當代藝術創新傳佈Taiwanese printed clothCulture and image communicationCulture and creative industryContemporary artDiffusion of innovations臺灣花布文化圖像傳播現象之研究A study of the culture and image communication’s effectiveness of Taiwanese Printed Cloth