林磐聳鄭金典林怡君2020-12-102009-8-62020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694600402%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115299本創作研究期望透過原型理論的研究確實地了解物品存在的價值,並應用至產品設計的發展過程中,提供設計師們在初步發展設計時仔細思考物品本身存在的價值,而不隨著潮流的腳步創作設計以減少社會資源的浪費。 本研究首先以柏拉圖哲學理論中和原型相似的「觀念」引入主題,接著藉由心理學與文學的原型理論論述,協助釐清原型理論的重點概念,深入探討原型在人類潛意識中的運作,後續將原型理論帶入設計領域時,才得以清楚地認知、應用於設計。本研究透過林銘煌所歸納的承襲、暗喻與踰越三種原型設計手法,發現概念與造型的相輔相成,因此本研究引用符號學能指、所指的思維,企圖拆解造型和概念兩者是如何相互輔佐成為最後的設計。本研究從探討的過程發展出一套造型與概念分析表,接著藉由原型相關的設計範例搜集與專家訪談的結果,分析概念與造型各自的詮釋手法,經驗證後發現造型與概念分析表可協助設計者回頭檢視設計的成果。最後研究者將以凳子作為設計的實踐,並以造型與概念分析表檢視個人之創作作品。This research is trying to figure out the real value of existence of artificiality, let designers carefully think about the value of the articles when developing a new design. To remind all designers in this fast-moving time should create a long lasting design, instead of following the current trend. At the beginning , the researcher studies the“Idea”of Platonism and then thoroughly understand the thinking of archetype through Psychology and Literature review. To be more familiar with archetype might assist designers correctly apply the theory to design practice. Professor Ming-Huang Lin divides archetype design into three groups ‘reconstructive archetypes’, ‘borrowing archetypes’, and ‘breaking archetypes’. Based on these groups, the researcher points out the relation between appearance and concept of design, and develop a system of “Archetype of appearance and concept”. According to the collection of designs in the study and the designers’ interview, that proves this system of “Archetype of appearance and concept” could help designer to exam their design works. At the end of study this system is applied to the practice of stool design.原型符號凳子產品設計凳子設計坐具設計Archetype原型理論下的凳子設計創作Stool design based on the thinking of archetype.