杞昭安Chi, Chao-An洪鈺婷Hung, Yu-Ting2019-08-282016-08-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0502091311%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91426本研究旨在探討臺北市學習障礙學生升學高中職轉銜服務供給與需求之現況,主要目的為:一、瞭解臺北市國中教育階段學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務的執行現況、困難與需求;二、分析臺北市國中教育階段學習障礙學生升學轉銜中,資源班特教教師服務之執行現況、困難與家長需求之差異狀況;三、探討不同背景變項之資源班特教教師與學習障礙學生家長對國中學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務執行現況、困難與需求之差異情形;四、瞭解臺北市國中教育階段學習障礙學生升學轉銜中,資源班特教教師服務之執行現況、困難與家長需求間的相關程度;五、瞭解臺北市國中教育階段學習障礙學生升學轉銜中,資源班特教教師服務之執行現況、困難與家長需求間的預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具為自編之「國中資源班教師參與學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務現況調查問卷」與「國中資源班家長參與學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務需求調查問卷」,研究對象為臺北市一四學年度公立國民中學不分類身心障礙資源班特教教師與一四學年度就讀臺北市公立國中九年級學習障礙確認學生家長。教師有效問卷共163份,可用率為98.8%;家長有效問卷共177份,可用率為85.5%。 調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、 皮爾遜積差相關、雪費法及多元逐步迴歸分析進行統計分析。研究結果歸納如下: 一、臺北市國中資源班教師提供學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務之執行現況與困難部分,不論是「規劃並執行轉銜評量」、「家長及學生參與」、「提供支持系統」與「規劃轉銜教育課程」層面,執行現況部分皆屬「普通符合」至「高度符合」之程度,困難程度部分皆屬「中下困難」之程度。而家長需求部分,在任一層面中皆屬「高度需求」之程度。 二、家長需求程度較高的前三名層面,亦是教師最感困難與執行程度較低的前三名層面,分別是「規劃並執行轉銜評量」、「提供支持系統」與「規劃轉銜教育課程」。家長自覺需求程度最少的「家長及學生參與」層面,也同時符合是教師執行現況最佳與困難程度最少的層面。 三、國中資源班特教教師提供學習障礙學生升學轉銜服務之執行現況,在「規劃並執行轉銜評量」、「家長及學生參與」與「規劃轉銜教育課程」層面上,會因為「特教專業背景」與「教師資格」等背景變項之不同而有顯著的差異。而在教師執行困難與家長需求部分,則不因不同背景變項而有顯著的差異。 四、臺北市國中資源班特教教師升學轉銜服務執行「現況」與「困難」為中度負相關,但執行現況與家長需求程度各層面,或是執行困難與家長需求程度各層面,彼此之間不僅未達低度相關水準,更未有顯著相關表現。 五、在「升學轉銜服務執行現況」預測「升學轉銜服務執行困難」中,「提供支持系統」是屬於較具預測執行困難整體與各層面之解釋力之層面。而在「升學轉銜服務執行現況」預測「家長需求」以及「升學轉銜服務執行困難」預測「家長需求」上,不僅彼此之間沒有顯著相關,更無預測解釋力。 最後,根據上述研究結果提出相關建議,以提供資源班特教教師、學校與教育行政單位、家長,以及後續研究者作為參考。The study was to discuss the situation of supply and demand in the transition services of students with learning disability entering high school level in Taipei City, and the research purposes were as follows: first, to understand the status quo of implementation, difficulties, and needs of the transition services of students with learning disability in junior high schools ; second, to analyze the status quo of implementation, difficulties, and needs of the special education resource teachers services in the transition services of students with learning disability in junior high schools in Taipei City; third, to explore the differences of implementation, difficulties, and needs between different backgrounds of special education resource teachers and the parents of students with learning disability in transition services; fourth, to understand the correlations between the services of implementation and difficulties of special education resource teachers and the needs of parents in transition services; fifth, to realize the predictions between the services of implementation and difficulties of special education resource teachers and the needs of parents in transition services of students with learning disability in junior high schools in Taipei City. The questionnaire survey was adopted, and the research tools were designed by the researcher and titled as “Questionnaire of junior high school special education resource teachers participate in the transition services of students with learning disability”, and “Questionnaire of junior high school resource class parents participate in the transition services of students with learning disability”. The research objects were the special education resource teachers in Taipei municipal junior high school and the parents, whose children were confirmed as students with learning disability in the 9th grade in Taipei municipal junior high school, in the 2015 academic year. The effective returned questionnaires from teachers were 163 shares, with 98.8% effective returned ratio, and on the other hand, the effective returned questionnaires from parents were 177 shares, with 85.5% effective returned ratio. The questionnaire data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, Scheffé method, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.within the section of the status quo of implementation of providing transition services, the variables to plan and execute transition service evaluation, the participation of parents and students, to provide supportive system, and to plan transition service curriculum, were belonged to the degree between general accordance and high accordance respectively, and as well as were belonged to moderate low degree in difficulty. Within the section of the status quo of parents’ needs for transition services, both status quo of implementation and difficulties were high degree. 2.The top three layers of parents needs were also the top three layers of low implementation and difficulty, the three layers were to plan and execute transition service evaluation, to provide supportive system, and to plan transition service curriculum. The lowest needs of parents were the layer of the participation of parents and students, and it also was accord with the best implementation of teacher and the fewest difficulties of teacher. 3.Within the section of the status quo of implementation of transition services, there were significant differences between the backgrounds of special education professional in the variables to plan and execute transition service evaluations, the participation of parents and students, and to plan transition service curriculum. There were significant differences between different backgrounds in the difficulty of implementation of teacher and parents’ needs. 4.The status quo of implementation of transition service was moderate negative correlated to the difficulties of implementation of transition services. However, there was no significant difference between the status quo of implementation and the layers of parents’ needs, similarly, there was no significant difference between the difficulties of implementation and the layers of parents’ needs. 5. Within section the status quo of implementation of transition service predicts the difficulties of implementation of transition service, to provide supportive system was a more interpretative variable. There was no significant correlation between the status quo of implementation of transition service, and the parents’ needs and the difficulties of implementation of transition service respectively, and as well as the status quo of implementation of transition service has no predictive interpretation. At last, the recommendations for special education resource teachers, schools, educational administrative authorities, parents, and researchers were established by the research results.升學轉銜服務學習障礙學生家長需求資源班特教教師Transition ServiceStudents with Learning DisabilityParents’ NeedSpecial Education Resource Teachers國中階段學習障礙學生升學轉銜資源班教師服務現況與家長需求之相關研究The Study on the Current Situation of Special Education Resource Teachers’ Service and Parents’ Need of the School Transition for the Students With Learning Disability in Junior High Schools