陳秋蘭Chern, Chiou-Lan張雅婷Chang, Ya-Ting2020-12-142020-07-202020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505213107%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110934本研究目的在探討國中生對運用同儕教學於六堂英語閱讀課的感受為何,主要關注其中同儕間的互動狀況及其後續對閱讀理解的效應。 參與本四週同儕教學計畫的對象是來自桃園市立某國中的二十位九年級學生,透過學生的問卷回饋及半結構式訪談,本研究以質性分析的方式歸結出以下結論。 在計畫的尾聲,大多數學生由於同儕小老師的協助,在改善閱讀理解方面給予正面的回饋。經由小老師的示範,學習夥伴也學習到如何運用本研究中所提到之處理閱讀理解的三項策略,依序為(一)預測(二)猜字義(三)從上下文推測文意。某些學習夥伴甚至進一步思考並修正自己原先面對閱讀文章的處理模式,同時因透過此同儕教學計畫,更能熟練地運用猜字義與從下文推測文意這兩項閱讀策略,而連帶增強了他們的自信心。 此外,小老師也體驗到知識再建構的過程,以及如何更好地呈現教學。換句話說,經由檢視教授學習夥伴閱讀技巧的過程,能讓他們了解夥伴學習情形,也同時深化小老師的相關學科知識。因此,整體來說,同儕教學融入英語閱讀對小老師及其學習夥伴是雙方互惠的。 文末也提出將同儕教學融入英語閱讀課的實施建議,希冀本研究能對台灣目前英語教學現場有所貢獻。The aim of the present study is to probe into junior high school students’ perceptions of peer tutoring implemented in six English reading sessions. Peer interactions and the later effects on reading comprehension are discussed. Twenty ninth graders in a Taoyuan municipal junior high school participated in the four-week peer tutoring program. This was a qualitative study in which students’ feedback on the questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were included. The results were presented as follows. At the end of the program, a majority of students gave positive feedback on their improved reading comprehension with the guidance of their tutors. From the tutors’ demonstrations, the tutees learned how to apply the three reading strategies, i.e., predicting, figuring out word meaning, and making inferences from the context to cope with reading comprehension questions. Furthermore, some tutees even revised their previous mode of reading. Their confidence was also promoted since they became familiar with the adoption of the two reading strategies, figuring out word meaning and inferring from the context, through the peer tutoring program. Additionally, the tutors also gained the experience of knowledge reconstruction and learned better presentation of instruction. In other words, their subject knowledge could be deepened simultaneously through examining whether their skills of English reading were acceptable to the tutees. Therefore, it can be contended that the adoption of peer tutoring in English reading is mutually beneficial for tutors and tutees. Finally, some suggestions are provided for better executions of peer tutoring in incorporating peer tutoring into English reading classes. It is hoped that the findings of this study can make some contribution to the present context of English reading teaching.同儕教學閱讀理解閱讀策略思考過程自信心peer tutoringreading comprehensionreading strategythinking processself-confidence國中生對同儕教學融入英語閱讀的看法Junior High School Students' Perceptions on a Peer Tutoring Program of English Reading