賴建都吳慧萍Hui Ping Wu2019-09-052015-8-252019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597631104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103318隨著媒體、電視、電影界持續吹起的「懷舊風」,電視劇:《光陰的故事》、《閃亮的日子》,以及《青梅竹馬》,重現了不同世代的生活情境;表演工作坊的舞台劇《寶島一村》訴說著屬於眷村的記憶;到電影《海角七號》帶起國片生機之後,推出了電影《艋舺》描述1980年代台北市「艋舺」地區黑幫兄弟與慘綠少年們的愛恨情仇。 當我們的生活週遭,充滿著對台灣早期到一九六○、一九七○年代的「懷舊風」時,出生在一九八○年代的研究者反思,究竟一九八○年代出生的我們,擁有哪些自己世代的童年共同記憶?當市場與媒體充斥著六○、七○年代的各種兒時記趣與童玩時,身為一九八○年代出生的我該拿什麼來建構屬於自己世代的童年記憶?!因此,本研究設定以1979年到1989年出生的E世代為受訪對象,質化的焦點訪談方式進行研究,瞭解該世代的童年共同記憶,並將研究結果設定為創作主題進行圖像創作。 本研究目的為一、賦予懷舊「新意」;二、創造「故事行銷」的獨特性;三、透過拼貼手法,進行「E世代的童年共同記憶」圖像創作呈現。文獻探討整理與探究一、懷舊理論;二、台灣本土的懷舊;三、說故事。研究結果顯示出E世代童年共同記憶的四個大方向:「遊戲的童年」、「對『家』的依附」、「蒐集的童年」、「童年好滋味」,並依據訪談資料中數據較多的,網路闖入的童年、對「家」的依附、偶像明星、動漫以及童年好滋味,訂定出以下E世代的童年共同記憶之圖像五個主題:「陌路ID」、「繽紛童年好滋味?!」、「曾幾何時?」、「動漫遊樂‧戲童年」、「我的家庭真可愛」。It has been making a stir about everything related to retrospective through the media, televisions, and the movies. The soap dramas, “Timememory”, “Timememory II”, and “4friends”reconstruct the different circumstances of different generations. Furthermore, the stage performance “The Village” played by Performance Workshop which is trying to represent a section of memory of military dependants' village. After the movie “Cape No. 7” had revived the local movie, there was a film “Manga” released, which described the gangsters and the teenagers in Manga of Taipei city. While we are surrounded by the retrospective objects of 1960s and 1970s, “If there are the same memories of my own generation? ” thought the the author born in 1980s. While the market and media were filled with remembrances and collections of 1960s and 1970s, what we had to construct the memory my own generation’s childhood? Therefore, this study is to conduct the method through qualitative focus group interview with E-generation who were born in 1979 to 1989 to realize the same childhood’s memories in this generation and to set the consequences as the theme to graphic design. The purposes of this study is to define the word retrospective, to create the uniqueness of story marketing and to present the E generation’s the same memory of childhood through collage. Documents: 1.the theory of retrospection 2.the local retrospection 3. storytelling. The consequences showed that the games in childhood, the ideas about family, collecting childhood, and the good taste in childhood, and so on. Basing on interviews, the childhood barged in by network, the ideas about family, pop idol, animation and comics, which have more data, to put these in order and create the graphic owned E generation’s the same memory: 1. Strangers ID 2. Fun childhood good taste?! 3. Once upon a time? 4. Animation and comics -Childhood play 5. My family is really adorable.懷舊共同記憶拼貼E世代故事行銷nostalgiathe same memoriescollageE-generationstory marketingE世代的童年共同記憶圖像創作研究The Study on the creation of graphic images toward the same childhood memories of E-generation