黃光男李春吟2019-08-292012-7-112019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92315本研究以六名37~48 歲的國小未婚教師為研究對象,藉深入訪談的研究方法,來探究國小未婚教師婚姻觀的實質內涵,呈現未婚者對於婚姻的意義、擇偶等相關議題的真實想法,再援用生態系統理論、社會學習理論、社會交換論來分析影響國小未婚教師婚姻觀建構的因素。研究結果發現對國小未婚教師而言,婚姻的意義可以分為:社會面、心理面、生物面、法律面、經濟面等。 結婚社會面的意義是為了順應社會規範以獲取認同,但對於婚姻的必要性提出質疑;婚姻心理面的意義是肯定自我價值、獲得心靈歸屬與生活延伸;婚姻在生物面的意義則是完成傳宗接代的使命,但是隨著性觀念的開放,婚姻滿足生理需求的功能逐漸沒落;在法律面,婚姻的實質保障也因離婚率增加而不再重要;婚姻經濟面的意義是維持生活品質的重要因素,不可以忽視。 國小未婚教師的婚姻觀在擇偶方面,大致以內在表現重於外表,年齡是已過適婚期的教師比較擔心的,並且以個人自由和經濟基礎為結婚的必備條件;還有一些國小未婚教師認為個人擇偶條件有實際與理想上的差距,質疑經濟供給能力並非唯一的判準,每個人有其主體性,因此擇偶行為可能最終是個人價值澄清的歷程。 由於本研究採用質性研究法,研究內容較深入但無法推論母群,且受限於時間精力,除了呈現未婚男性在婚姻的意義、擇偶等相關議題的真實想法外,其他面向研究者並未進行探討;且本研究為研究者獨立完成,個人主觀的影響將無可避免。期望本研究所得之研究結果能引導社會大眾,正視婚姻觀變遷的事實,並提供未來相關研究或課程法令制定之參考。 This study has employed 6 unmarried elementary school teachers aged between 37 to 48 as its targets of research, and the methodology of in-depth interview is exploited to investigate the substantive content of the marriage concept among unmarried elementary school teachers, thus helping to demonstrate the authentic ideas with regard to the meaning of marriage, selection of partners, and other relative issues among the unmarried. Afterwards, it will make use of ecosystem theory, social learning theory, and social exchange theory to analyze the factors that affect establishment of marriage concept of unmarried elementary school teachers. As indicated from the study, it is found that the meaning of marriage can be found into social aspect, psychology aspect, biological aspect, legal aspect, and economic aspect for unmarried elementary school teachers. Of the meaning of social aspect for marriage, it is found that one should like to obtain recognition in conformity to social norms but they have, moreover, put forth inquiry over the necessity of marriage. As for the meaning of psychological aspect for marriage, it is the recognition for self value, and gaining of spiritual belonging and extension of life. For the meaning of biological aspect of marriage, it should help to furnish the mission of carrying on family’s name; nonetheless, with ever more opening of sexual concept the function that marriage works to accommodate biological need has gradually dwindled; in terms of legal aspect, the substantive protection of marriage has become less and less important with increasing divorce rate. However, the meaning of economic aspect for marriage is considered as a critical factor to maintain the quality of life, which can hardly be ignored. As for the selection of partner with regard to marriage concept of unmarried elementary school teachers, they would reckon inner performance more than external appearance, whereas age is an issue that concerns these elementary school teachers the more as they have already passed their suitable timing of marriage, and they would based individual freedom and economic foundation as the necessary requirements for marriage. In addition, some unmarried elementary school teachers believe that there is some gap selecting partner realistically and ideally, and they question if the capability of economic supply can be taken as the only criterion. Due to the fact that every person is given with their individuality, it is then considered that selection of partner can, ultimately, become the process of clarification of personal values. Since this study has employed qualitative methodology, the content of research is relatively more penetrating but it is unable to prediction the population. Besides, it is limited by time and effort that it cannot carry out investigation of other aspects, aside from demonstrating authentic thoughts on the meaning of marriage for unmarried male, selection of partner, and other related issues. Furthermore, since this study is completed by the researcher alone, the influence of individualism will then be unavoidable. It is thus hoped that the research results obtained from this study can help to guide the general public, and correct the fact of fluctuating concept of marriage, and it could also provide itself as reference for formulation of legal provisions for future research or program.未婚國小教師婚姻觀擇偶質性研究unmarriedelementary school teachersmarriage conceptselection of partnerqualitative research國小未婚教師婚姻觀之研究Study on Marriage Concept of Unmarried Elementary School Teachers