吳昭容Wu, Chao-Jung連宥鈞Lien, Yu-Chun2020-10-192023-06-302020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060701017E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110312體現認知的研究發現,學生在幾何學習時若以手勢配合描摹幾何圖,比起限制手勢所獲得的學習效果好,但在非幾何的材料上卻不一定有此體現效果。目前文獻多半未檢驗體現效果的保留性,而且也未曾有研究是以學生學習過、但須補救的教材為研究材料。故本研究以受試者學過的整數加減運算為實驗一的材料,與從未學過的平行線截角性質為實驗二的材料,並以篩選測驗篩出無法掌握整數加減運算的七年級中低能力的學生,將其分為使用手勢學習的實驗組與無手勢參與的控制組。本論文先以18位七年級學生進行前導研究,並依據後測結果與受試者的學習狀況,修改了範例及練習題型與實驗進行方式。正式研究的受試者為來自雙北、桃園的四所國中52位七年級生,實驗結束後三至四個月安排延宕測驗與訪談,以記錄受試者的學習表現與相關的質性資料。結果顯示,實驗組在實驗一的表現未如預期,和控制組都未有組間差異,但在延宕測驗答對率中有四種題型組間有顯著差異。但兩組都在後測遠遷移題的認知負荷比延宕測驗高,後測與延宕測驗答對率皆高於篩選測驗。質性資料上,部分受試者在以手勢學習已知教材上展現較低的意願,且在延宕測驗時,受試者大多不使用實驗所學的體現方法做解題。實驗組在實驗二後測有部分結果符合預期。實驗組學習時間較控制組長,在後測遠遷移題答對率上比控制組高,但後測近遷移題與延宕測驗兩種題型上均無組間差異。此外,兩組延宕測驗遠遷移題的認知負荷低於後測,且延宕測驗近遷移題答對率也比後測高。質性資料上,兩組在後測與延宕測驗皆有一些受試者為了解題而旋轉、拿起圖形的紙張或描摹圖形,但延宕測驗中有描摹圖形的受試者其答對率並未高於沒有動作的同儕。綜合實驗一和二,研究者發現手勢對於受試者已學習過的整數加減運算未發揮體現效果,而在未學過的幾何教材上,融入手勢學習的效果較佳,並且手勢能有原理、原則加以引導時,體現就能發揮較大的效果。建議未來的教育工作者們在學生剛接觸教材時的教學中,能融入適當的身體參與,以發揮體現認知中以身體為基礎來學習新知識的主張。Research on embodied cognition has found that students who use gestures to trace geometric figures while learning geometry perform better than students who restrict their use of gestures. However, this effect may not appear in non-geometric learning. No research has used delayed tests to study the retention of the embodied effect, and there has never been any embodied research on the remedial teaching studied. Therefore, Experiment 1 used tasks of adding and subtracting integers that participants have learned and will continue to use; Experiment 2 used the materials of angle relationships involving parallel lines that participants have not yet learned. The participants were low-ability seventh graders they were unable to master integer addition and subtraction on a screening test. The participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups that they study worked examples either with or without gestures. A pilot study was conducted with 18 seventh graders and the results were used to improves the worked examples, practices, and the procedures. The participants of the formal study were 52 seventh graders from four junior high schools in the Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan County. A delayed test and interview were conducted three to four months after the end of the experiment to record qualitative data. The results showed that the experimental group did not perform as expected in Experiment 1, showing no difference from the control group, but the accuracy of the experimental group for the four question types were different from the control group in the delayed test. However, both groups demonstrated higher cognitive load on posttest far transfer questions than the delayed test, and the accuracy on the posttest and the delayed test were higher than on the pretest. In terms of the qualitative data, some participants showed only a little willingness to study material that they had already learned, and most of the participants did not use the embodying method learned in the experiment to solve the problem on the delayed test. In the experimental group, some results were as expected after Experiment 2. The learning time of the experimental group was longer than that of the control group, and their accuracy on the posttest far transfer problems was higher than that of the control group. In addition, the cognitive load associated with the delayed test far transfer problems was lower than that on the posttest, and the near transfer accuracy of the delayed test was also higher than that of the posttest in both groups. The qualitative data of the posttest and the delayed test show that some participants in both groups rotated and picked up the paper or traced the graph to understand the question. However, the participants with traced graphics in the delayed test did not have a higher accuracy than those who did not use gestures. In general, the present study found that gestures have less effects for non-geometric material that participants have learned, but have significant effects for geometric material that participants have not learned. When gestures can be led by principles, they can enhance learning for a greater effect. It is suggested that educators use appropriate physical manipulation when teaching students new things in order to elicit the embodied cognition that uses the body to learn new knowledge.體現認知範例認知負荷學習遷移embodied cognitionworked examplecognitive loadtransfer手勢融入範例對中低能力學生計算與幾何學習的影響The effects of gesture on the arithmetic and geometry learning of low-ability students using worked examples