李軍lun Li2019-08-122019-08-122012-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81558蒙古和寧《西藏賦》、吉林英和〈←魁城賦》及大興徐松《新疆賦》為代表的清代乾隆、嘉慶及道光之際的邊疆輿地賦,以其鴻篇巨製和鮮明的邊疆地域特色,最早當在光緒9年( 1883年)由王秉恩元尚居匯刻為《西藏等三邊賦〉。本研究就《三邊賦》作者及版本、賦作內容、特色與價值等幾方面進行了詳細論述,並與當時特定時代諸種因素的交互作用相結合,探討《三邊賦〉所產生的時代背景及其地位、差異性等。Prose-Poem of Tibet of Mongolia Hening, Prose-Poem of Buku of Jilin Yinghe and ProsePoem of Xinjiang of Daxing Xusong,as the representative of the Qing Dynasty in period of Emperor QianJiaDao, the occasion of the frontier and region, with its distinctive regional features a masterpiece and the frontier in Guangxu nine years (1 883) by YuanShangJu the moment “ Tibet Trilateral Prose-Poem." Study on one of the“ Trilateral Prose-Poem." from the author and version of the draft, the content, characteristics and value aspects and so on in detail, and then a specific age factors interaction of combination, discuss “Trilateral Prose-Poem" times generated by background, position, difference and so on.{三邊賦》差異性時代背景價值與地位邊疆輿地賦immortalsocialLater Tang Dynastythe reputation for poetry論〈西藏等三邊賦〉Discussion on Trilateral Prose-Poem-Representative Works ofthe Frontier and Region in the Qing Dynasty