胡益進葉婉如Wan- Ju Yeh2019-08-282009-7-242019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695050159%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87921本研究旨在瞭解灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校認知、態度與執行情形,並探討其個人因素、學校因素與國際安全學校認知、態度與執行情形的關係及主要之預測因子。採量化研究方式進行,研究對象為臺灣地區95學年度在臺灣國民小學、國民中學及高級中學負責推動國際安全學校之學校承辦人、校內老師及行政人員,有效樣本90 人。 研究主要發現如下: 一、臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員近2年內,仍有3成5左右的國際安全學校推動相關人員未曾參加過健康與體育相關研習;且未曾參加過安全相關課程研習者比例約為2成3。 二、有1成9左右的臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員人認為學校同仁對安全學校計畫不瞭解。 三、臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對於國際安全學校已有相當程度的瞭解。認知當中得分最高者是體育活動認知;在國際安全學校概念認知上則相較之下較低。 四、臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校的整體態度持正向看法。態度當中得分最高者是物質環境態度;在國際安全學校概念態度上則相較之下較低,但態度亦趨向正向。 五、臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校的整體執行情形介於「61-80%」至「81%以上」之間。執行情形當中得分最高者是物質環境的執行;在社區和家庭的執行上則相較之下較低。 六、影響臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校認知之個人背景變項有「擔任職務」、「是否曾聽過國際安全學校」、「對安全學校支持度」等因素。影響其對國際安全學校認知之學校背景變項有「通過國際安全學校認證」、「學校規模」、「學校同仁瞭解度」等因素。 七、影響臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校態度之個人背景變項有「任教總年資」、「對安全學校支持度」等因素。本研究中學校背景變項並不會影響研究對象對國際安全學校之態度。 八、影響臺灣地區推動國際安全學校相關人員對國際安全學校執行情形之個人背景變項有「對安全學校支持度」、「對安全學校執行能力」、「對安全學校推展困難度」等因素。影響其對國際安全學校執行情形之學校背景變項有「已推行國際安全學校年數」、「是否通過國際安全學校認證」、學校安全政策中的「有無成立學校安全工作小組或委員會」、「有無定期召開會議」、「學校同仁瞭解度」、學校同仁支持度中的「校長支持與否」、「組長支持與否」等因素。 九、國際安全學校整體認知與整體態度呈現正相關。 十、整體認知與執行情形之間均呈現正相關。 十一、國際安全學校整體態度與整體執行情形間並未呈現相關。 十二、推動相關人員「擔任職務」及「對安全學校支持度」為國際安全學校整體認知的顯著預測因素。 十三、推動相關人員「任教總年資」是國際安全學校整體態度的顯著預測因素。 十四、推動相關人員「對安全學校支持度」及「學校已推行國際安全學校年數」為國際安全學校整體執行情形的顯著預測因素。 最後研究者針對主要發現加以討論,並對相關單位、學校、推動相關人員及未來研究提出建議,作為推行國際安全學校之參考。The purpose of this study was to probe into, Taiwan promotes the international safe school relevant personnel’ s understanding of and attitude toward the international safe school, along with the implementation of the International Safe School. This study was estimated the relationship among the personal factors, elements in schools and understanding, attitude along with the implementation of the International Safe School. It's also want to find the main forecast factors. It is a quantitative research, and the objects of study were the school promote international safe school undertaker , teacher and administrative personnel in Taiwan,2007. There were 90 relevant personnel in this study. The major findings are as follows: 1. About 35% of the subjects have never joined any research or study program of the Health and Physical Education in recently 2 years. And 23% of the subjects have never joined any research or study program on the domain of safety. 2. About 19% of the subjects believe school colleagues didn’t understand International Safe School. 3. The subjects have considerable understanding of the International Safe School. The highest scores of recognition were physical activities; and the lowest scores of recognition were the concept of the International Safe School. 4. The attitude of the subject toward International Safe School is positive. The highest scores of attitude were physical environment; and the lowest scores of attitude were the concept of the International Safe School. 5. The implementation of the subject toward the International Safe School is between “61-80%” and “above 81%”. The highest scores of implementation were physical environment; and the lowest scores of implementation were community and family. 6. The relational factors of the subject’s recognition of the International Safe School were “post”, “haved heard ISS”, “ the supportability of ISS”, “haved passd ISS”, “the dimension of school”, “the comprehensibility of school colleagues”. 7. The relational factors of the subject’s attitude of the International Safe School were “ year of teaching”, “the supportability of ISS”. 8. The relational factors of the subject’s implementation of the International Safe School were “the supportability of ISS”, “ the execute ability of ISS”, “the difficulty of promote ISS”, “year of promote ISS”, “haved heard ISS”, “haved formed safe committee or work team”, “haved convened a conference regular”, “the comprehensibility of school colleagues”, “the supportability of school principal”, “the supportability of team leader”. 9. The entire recognition of and attitude toward International Safe School are positively related. 10. The entire recognition of and the implementing of the International Safe School are positively related. 11. The entire attitude toward and the implementing of the International Safe School are not related. 12. The main forecast factors of the subject’s entire recognition of the International Safe School were “post” and “the supportability of ISS”. 13. The main forecast factors of the subject’s entire attitude toward International Safe School were “year of teaching”. 14. The main forecast factors of the subject’s entire implementing of the International Safe School were “the supportability of ISS” and “year of promote ISS”. And finally the study discusses the major findings and offers suggestions to the educational relevant organization, schools, relevant personnel, and future researchers.國際安全學校認知態度執行情形International Safe Schoolknowledgeattitudeimplementation臺灣地區推動國際安全學校之現況調查研究A study on current state of promotion for the International Safe School in Taiwan